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The talk, a joint work with Alba Cabrera-Codony from the Universitat de Girona, was part of a workshop organized by Miguel Bustamante (UCD) and held on December 5th and 6th, 2022.

Tim Myers, principal investigator at the CRM Industrial Mathematics research group, was one of the invited speakers at the Mathematical Modelling of Carbon Capture and Storage workshop, held at University College Dublin this week, on the 5th and 6th of December. The talk, under the title Modelling and experiments on CO2 capture by adsorption, consisted of two parts delivered by Myers and Alba Cabrera-Codony, from the Universitat de Girona.

The joint work related to environmental contaminant removal by column sorption, which involves passing a contaminated fluid through a porous media to adsorb the contaminants. This is a common process, capable of removing a multitude of contaminants. However, industrial use is restricted due to a large increase in running costs.

The first part of the talk dealt with an experimental study of Direct Air Capture (DAC). DAC has emerged as a promising approach to CO2 Negative Emissions. It relies on the physical or chemical separation of CO2 from ambient air and has proven to be technically mature and commercially viable. Mathematical models are vital to exploit experimental results regarding the performance of materials used in this process, to enable a large screening of new materials and so make advances in the field.

Consequently, the second part of the talk was concerned with the development and solution of relevant mathematical models, explaining errors prevalent in the literature, and then recent work which aims to correct such errors.

CRM Comm Team

CRM Comm Team

Anna Drou | Pau Varela

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