On February 24th, 2022, the Russian Federation launched an invasion into the territory of Ukraine. As of March 4th, the ensuing war, that has already caused a massive loss in lives and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people, is still in progress even in the face of strong international protests and the sanctions issued against Russia.

The Centre de Recerca Matemàtica condemns the invasion of Ukraine by Russian military forces, joining the numerous research institutions, universities and organizations calling for an urgent end to the violence. Mathematicians, and scientists in general, strongly believe in cooperation as a means to advance society. We witness with dire concern the damage caused by war to science, education, academics, and international cooperation among researchers, as well as society at large.
Our thoughts are with all the members from the Ukrainian mathematical community and the rest of the Ukrainian population, whose lives and livelihoods have been irretrievably affected by the conflict. We also stand in support with the numerous Russian mathematicians that have publicly spoken against the war to denounce this aggression.
We hope for a swift solution for this terrible crisis.

CRM Comm Team
Anna Drou | Paula Lomascolo | Pau Varela
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