The course was recorded and streamed from the CRM auditorium from May 29th to June 1st
Dr. Abimbola Abolarinwa, from the University of Lagos in Nigeria, paid a visit to the CRM during his research stay in Spain, as a CIMPA-ICTP scholar. During his visit, Dr. Abolarinwa taught a four-day course that was streamed live from the CRM auditorium. The course, titled Hamilton Ricci Flow and Li-Yau Differential Harnack Inequalities, sought to introduce the fundamentals of Hamilton’s Ricci flow and the theory of Li-Yau Differential Harnack inequalities for the linear heat equation on a static Riemannian manifold.
The course is made possible by the CIMPA-ICTP Research in Pairs project, which allows academics in mathematics from underdeveloped countries to travel to Europe to collaborate with local researchers. The programme is funded by the Centre International de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (CIMPA), a nonprofit organisation that promotes research in Mathematics in developing countries. CIMPA strongly supports activities developed in close collaboration with continental mathematical unions, such as Schools in Partnership, the purpose of which is to introduce undergraduate and Master students to research in mathematics. The programme is also made possible by the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), an international research institute for physical and mathematical sciences that explores fundamental scientific questions at the highest level, promotes active engagement with scientists in developing countries, and advances international cooperation through science.
You can find Dr. Abolarinwa’s course on the CIMPA Youtube channel.
CRM Comm
Pau Varela
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