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6 new people have joined the CRM in several capacities during the last two months.

In February and March we have welcomed several new people that have joined the CRM to work both at the research support team and the CRM research staff. Below you can find a short presentation of each one.

Irene Spelta
Postdoctoral Researcher

Irene is a Maria de Maeztu postdoctoral fellow working in the group of Juan Carlos Naranjo (UB-CRM). Previously, she was a postdoc at the University of Pavia funded by the Italian Institute of Mathematics (INdAM). There she worked in the group of Paola Frediani. Moreover, she spent some months as a postdoctoral researcher at IMUB. She obtained her PhD at the University of Pavia in 2020. Her research interests lie in Algebraic Geometry. In particular, she studies moduli of curves and of abelian varieties.


Neus Pou
Research technician

Neus studied the degree in Biomedical Sciences at the Universitat de Barcelona and the master’s in bioinformatics at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. She is working in the Computational Neuroscience group with Alex Hyafil since September. She has collaborated in other neuroscience research groups: in the Neurophysiology group at the UIB (Balearic Islands), in the Circadian Rhythms and Metabolism group at the Institute of Cellular and Integrative Neurosciences in Strasbourg (France) and in the UPF Neuropharmacology group.


Patricia Alves

Patricia started working at CRM as a Technician in the Accounting and Finance department. Her academic background is: Higher Degree in International Trade (IES Jaume Mimó, Cerdanyola del Vallès), Diploma in Labour Relations (UAB) and Official Master’s Degree in Social and Labour Rights (UAB). Her professional career began at the University Institute of European Studies (2009-2012), a research center located at the UAB.


Clara Cufí
Scientific Software Developer 

Clara graduated in Mathematics and Physics at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and then moved to the Universitat de Barcelona (UB) to complete a MSc in Advanced Mathematics. She obtained a PhD in Mathematics by the UAB in February 2023, with a PhD thesis entitled “Contributions to the study of periodic orbits and invariant manifolds in dynamical systems”. During her PhD studies she participated in the organization of seminars and workshops for young researchers, some of them hosted by the CRM.

On March 2023 she joined the CRM as a Scientific Software Developer at the Knowledge Transfer Unit.


Pau Costa
Scientific Activities Manager

Pau studied Physics in Universitat de Barcelona, majoring in Applied Physics. During the last year he was a laboratory assistant in the MIND research group with Dr. Juan Marcos Fernández Pradas as part of an internship and final degree project. He also studied a Postgraduate in Scientific Communication at the University of Vic, coordinated by Eduscopi.

His work experience is diverse, having worked as a private teacher and a basketball coach, but he also has experience in consulting for R+D+i projects and in a scientific communication agency. Now, Pau is part of the Scientific Activities Management Team here at CRM.


Pau Reig
Scientific Software Developer

Pau graduated in Physics (BSc) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), where he is currently persuing a MSc Degree in Modelling for Science and Engineering while working as a scientific software developer at CRM. He also has interest and passion for music, in which he is ending the professional degree in jazz (electric bass) at Conservatori del Liceu.


CRM Comm Team

CRM Comm Team

Anna Drou | Pau Varela

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II Certamen de poesia Pilish | Participa!

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