The Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) offers 5 senior postdoctoral positions funded by the María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence Award (2020)
• 2 in the area of Applied Mathematics, which include applications to Mathematical Biology, Neuroscience and Climate Science.
• 1 in the area of Algebra, Geometry, Number Theory and Topology.
• 1 in the area of Analysis, Partial Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems.
• 1 in the area of Combinatorics and Theoretical Computer Science.
IMPORTANT: Please browse the CRM website for details on the Research Areas and the faculty as well as their publications and current projects. It is advisable for you to contact your possible postdoc mentor(s) to discuss the possible topic/project.
CRM Research Areas
Duration: 2 years full-time, fixed-term appointment.
Working conditions: The researcher will be offered a temporary contract by Centre de Recerca Matemàtica. Each fellow will be mentored by a CRM senior researcher.
Gross salary: 29000 EUR/year before taxes.
Teaching: These grants follow the teaching guidelines of the Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación contracts:
….. las personas que sean contratadas al amparo de estas ayudas podrán prestar colaboraciones complementarias en tareas docentes, en su misma institución o en otras, por un máximo de 80 horas anuales, a petición propia y con la aprobación de su institución, respetando, en su caso, la normativa vigente de incompatibilidades del personal al servicio de las Administraciones Públicas.
• Having obtained a PhD after 1st January 2017 and before 31st December 2019, as well as a strong and relevant research record. Career breaks (due to full-time family care, illness and maternity leaves, military service, etc) will be taken into account, if appropriate proof is provided.
• A minimum of 2 years of doctoral or postdoctoral work experience outside Catalonia at the time of the deadline of the call.
• Not contracted as researcher/lecturer by any university or research centre in Catalonia at the time of the deadline of the call.
Use the online application form⇒ with contact data and personal information, as well as your area of choice (APPLIED; ANALYSIS-DYNSYS; AL_GE_TO_NBRTH; COMBINATORICS) and up to three possible mentors.
Provide the following documentation in a single pdf file (10Mb maximum; please provide a title for each document/section) that must be uploaded to the online application system (incomplete applications will not be considered):
1. A short CV (maximum 4 pages).
2. A list of peer-reviewed publications (to be submitted separately from CV). Please provide ORCID number.
3. A motivation letter (max 1 page).
4. A research proposal (max 4 pages) including: (a) Title and summary; (b) State-of-the-art and objectives; (c) Scientific approach, methodology and timescale.
5. A copy of the Ph.D. degree certificate.
6. Name, affiliation, and email of two members of academic institutions able to provide a letter of reference for the applicant. Potential referees must be informed (by the applicant) that letters will be requested by CRM, and they should be uploaded not later than 10th February 2022.
7. Evidence proving two years of work experience outside Catalonia as well as for any career break if applicable.
• Stage 1: Applications will be evaluated by two external referees. Each candidate will be evaluated with respect to the following criteria:
Curriculum Vitae (including the list of publications; 55/100): PhD Thesis, research after the thesis (including information about peer-reviewed papers without the PhD supervisor as author; 35/100); international mobility (postdoctoral work at a different institution from that awarding the candidate’s PhD; short-stays, visits; 10/100) and visibility (invited talks at international conferences, guest seminars, etc; 10/100).
Research Proposal (40/100): Originality and quality of the proposal; feasibility in terms of the applicant’s experience (30/100); pluridisciplinarity and the possible interaction with other CRM research lines (5/100); Scientific and expected socio-economic impact at large (5/100). Matching between applicant/proposal and host (5/100): Matching in terms of expertise and project with the hosting mentors.
The outcome of the Stage 1 will be a shortlist of candidates per area.
• Stage 2: Interviews (possibly virtual) carried out by an area-focused panel headed by a member of the CRM Advisory Scientific Committee and comprising two senior members of the CRM research staff. Scientific and gender diversity will be assured in the evaluation panels. The potential mentor of a candidate will be invited to the candidate’s interview. The final decision will be responsibility of the evaluation panel.
The outcome of Stage 2 will be a ranked list (for each area/panel) with the selected candidate/s at the top followed by the reserve candidates.
• Selected candidates will get a signed letter (by email) from the CRM director with the corresponding offer. They should accept or decline the offer before two weeks (by email), confirming their possible starting date.
• If the appointment is declined, the position will be offered to the next candidate in the reserve list. Once all appointments have been accepted, the list of fellows and their research projects will be posted on the website.
• Expected starting date will be September 1st, 2022 with certain degree of flexibility (between 1st June and 1st November 2022).
For more information, please contact rrhhMdM2020@crm.cat
ELIGIBILITY CHECK: 8th February 2022
SHORTLISTED CANDIDATES: will be contacted by 20th March 2022
INTERVIEWS: 1st – 2nd week of April 2022
ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE CALL RESULTS: Selected candidates will be contacted during the 2nd week of May 2022