CRM Editorial Activity
The CRM maintains a publishing activity in order to disseminate mathematical knowledge and contribute to the popularization of mathematics, especially among young people.
CRM has eight publication series: Advanced Courses in Mathematics CRM Barcelona, Research Perspectives CRM Barcelona, CRM Documents, Preprints, Quaderns, Bachelor’s Degree Projects, Master Research Projects and Ph.D. Theses. The list of published volumes can be obtained from our search page. You will find below a description of each series.
Besides research papers by CRM research staff, the CRM Preprints series includes research contributions based on work carried out (totally or partially) by CRM visitors during their stay. This series does not hold any copyright and articles can be published elsewhere.

The volumes of this series are edited by the CRM and published by Birkhäuser. Each volume covers the content of an advanced course taught by specialists at the CRM. Books in this series are especially addressed to advanced doctoral students and young post-doctoral researchers. Purchase orders are available at the publisher’s site.

The volumes of this series are edited by the CRM and published by Birkhäuser. Each volume contains a selected collection of extended abstracts of talks given at the CRM during recent research programmes and activities.
Books in this series are especially addressed to advanced doctoral students and young post-doctoral researchers. Purchase orders are available at the publisher’s site.
In 2008, the CRM launched a series called Documents. Volumes in this series include monographs, reports of research programmes and other quality material.
Purchase orders should be addressed to Prices range between 20 and 30 euros depending on the number of pages.
ISSN 2014-2323
printed edition
ISSN 2014-2331
electronic edition
Booklets in the Quaderns series contain specialized texts, mostly preliminary notes delivered by lecturers of CRM Advanced Courses.
Bachelor’s Degree Research Projects
These are the bachelor’s degree Research Projects written under the supervision of a CRM Researcher.
Master Research Projects
These are the Master Research Projects written under the supervision of a CRM Researcher.
PhD Theses
his series contains the PhD theses submitted by CRM doctoral students.
CRM Annual Reports
You will find here PDF files of the CRM annual reports of activities.
David Romero i Sànchez
CRM Editor-in-Chief
Enric Ventura Capell
CRM Editor-in-Chief (December 2016 – December 2019)
Raquel Hernández
TeXnician (November 2011 – November 2018)
Antoni Guillamon
CRM Vice-Director (December 2013 – December 2016)
Carles Casacuberta
Editor-in-Chief (November 2011 – December 2013)
Javier Gutierrez
Assistant Editor (November 2011 – January 2013)