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Training for PhD and Postdoctoral Students

The CRM offers the possibility to engage yourself in a PhD Dissertation project within a research group or thematic network at the CRM. Doctoral students are enrolled in the Doctoral Training Unit (DTU) under the following framework:


Students will join the DTU for a maximum period of 3 years and 3 months. During the first three months students will be on probation on an internship grant. During this period, students will be in contact with the different research groups of the CRM. Having successfully completed probation, supervisor and PhD project will be agreed upon and a formal three year contract will start.

In case of collaborative PhD projects, students may be assigned a co-supervisor from another institution.


The DTU will have its own programme of activities consisting of:

  • A cycle of advanced courses to be given by CRM researchers and/or collaborators from the thematic networks. These courses will be integrated within the Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics, and thus made available to all the PhD students of the Barcelona area. The subjects of these courses will be of general interest for all students.
  • A junior seminar organised by the students on a monthly basis and attended only by junior researchers (PhD students and postdocs). The organisation and running of this seminar series will be responsibility of the PhD students.
  • An annual workshop where students will present reports of the current state of their theses


Contracts will be renewed every year for a maximum of three years. Renewal will be subject to positive evaluation.


PhD students at CRM will become automatically enrolled in the Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics.


An essential requirement for admission to the DTU is to fulfil the requisites to be admitted to a doctoral programme in Mathematics in a Catalan university.


The DTU will be coordinated by Alvaro Corral ( with the support of the CRM direction team.

About fellowships and contracts

Depending on the research projects being carried out and availability of resources, the research groups and thematic networks of the CRM may advertise their own PhD position calls. CRM promotes too industrial doctorate training projects in the framework of the Industrial Doctorate Plan of the Catalan government (See here).

If you are interested, please send a motivation letter to, including your CV and academic record. The CRM will keep you updated about our Doctoral Projects calls and can help you applying for a doctoral grant from funding agencies by acting as a host institution.

See Job openings and fellowships for presently open calls.