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Position Associate Professor
Group Dynamical Systems
Lazaro, Tomas

Birthday: 12/03/1968. PhD in Mathematics (UPC) in 2003. Professor Agregat since 2012. ORCID Code: 0000-0003-4395-9708.
I have had a grant from the Ministerio de Universidades grant "Recualificación Profesorado Permanente", (MU-RPP grant), being a visiting researcher in the following three centres:
1.- From September 1st, 2023 to July 31st, 2024. Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche Sorbonne Université - Campus Pierre et Marie Curie.
2.- From March 1st, 2023 to August 31st, 2023. Institut de Biologia Integrativa de Sistemes I2SysBio, CSIC-UV. Paterna, Spain.
3.- From September 1st, 2022 to February 28th, 2023. Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc (LSC), Canfranc (Huesca), Spain.

Other Research Interests

Reversible systems. Newhouse phenomenon. Modelling in Biology (virology and ecology). Differential Galois Theory.


I have participated as a researcher in the following funded projects (only the last four are listed):
1.- María de Maeztu Award for Centers and Units of Excellence in R&D (CEX2020-001084-M) PI: Marcel Guardia. 2.000.000 euros
2.- PGC2018-098676-B-I00. PI: G. Huguet and Tere Martinez-Seara. Per: 2019-2022. 164.318,00€. Agencia Estatal de Investigación.
3.- Network MTM2016-81902-REDT funded by the MECC. 18 Spanish Univers. Per: 2017-2018. PI: Tere Martínez-Seara. Researchers: 209. 11.000€
4.- 2017SGR-1049 funded by the AGAUR. UPC. Period: 2017-2019. PI: Tere Martínez-Seara. Researchers: 23. 44 480€.
I have been granted by the Ministerio de Universidades grant "Recualificación Profesorado Permanente" from September 2022- July 2024.

Selected publications

1.- Global bifurcation in a virus, defective genomes, satellite RNAs tripartite system: breakdown of a coexistence quasi-neutral curve Oriol Llopis-Almela, J. Tomás Lázaro, Santiago F. Elena, and Josep Sardanyés. Accepted for publication in Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2025.

2.- Quasineutral multistability in an epidemiological-like model for defective-helper betacoronavirus infection in cell cultures, J.C. Muñoz-Sánchez, J.T. Lázaro, J. Hillung, M.J. Olmo-Uceda, J. Sardanyés, and S.F. Elena. Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol 137, part A, 2025, 115673,

3.- No two without three: modelling dynamics of the trio RNA virus-defective interfering genomes-RNA satellite. J.T. Lázaro, A. Albó, T. Alarcón, S.F. Elena, and J. Sardanyés.
Commun. Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat (CNSNS) 133 (107987), 2024.

4.- Semiclassical quantification of some two degrees of freedom potentials: a Differential Galois approach. P. Acosta-Humánez, J.T. Lázaro, J.J. Morales-Ruiz and Ch. Pantazi. Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol 65, Issue 1, 2024,

5.- Semiclassical theory predicts stochastic ghosts scaling. J.T. Lázaro, T. Alarcón, C. Peña, and J. Sardanyés. Proc. of the Royal Society A, vol 479, 2273, 2023.

6.- Critical slowing down close to a global bifurcation of a curve of quasi-neutral equilibria.
E. Fontich, A. Guillamon, J.T. Lázaro, T. Alarcón, B. Vidiella, and J. Sardanyés.
Comm. in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations (CNSNS), vol 104, 2022, 106032.

7.- Dynamics in a time-discrete food-chain model with strong pressure on prey.
Ll. Alsedà, J.T. Lázaro, R. Solé, B. Vidiella, and J. Sardanyés. Comm. in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (CNSNS), vol 84, 2020.

8.- Rational parameterization approach in some dynamical systems problems. A. Gasull, J.T. Lázaro and J. Torregrosa Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, 18(2), 583-602, 2019. DOI 10.1007/s12346-018-0300-5.

9.- Mixed dynamics of two-dimensional reversible maps with a symmetric couple of quadratic homoclinic tangencies. A. Delshams, S.V. Gonchenko, M.S. Gonchenko, and J.T Lázaro, Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems A. Vol. 38, num 9, 4483-4507, Sep 2018

10.- Differential Galois Theory and non-Integrability of Planar Polynomial Vector Fields. P. Acosta-Humánez, J.T. Lázaro, J.J. Morales-Ruiz and Ch. Pantazi, J. Differential Equations, Volume 264, Issue

11.- Full analysis of small hypercycles with shortcircuits in prebiotic evolution. J. Sardanyés, J.T Lázaro, A. Guillamon, and E. Fontich. Physica D, volume 347, 90-108, 2017.