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Position Associate professor
Research interests Algebraic Geometry
Group Algebra Geometry Number Theory And Topology
Amoros, Jaume

I did my PhD thesis under the direction of Vicente Navarro-Aznar, on fundamental groups of compact Kähler manifolds. I remain interested in the Albanese map, which I used to classify complex projective and Kähler manifolds with holomorphic vector fields, with M. Nicolau and M. Manjarin. After my stay as Instructor at the U. of Utah in 1997/8, this work extended from Kähler and complex algebraic to symplectic manifolds, where I studied Lefschetz fibrations.

In parallel, I collaborate with the Superconductor group at ICMAB-CSIC on the inverse Biot-Savart problem in ceramic HTS. Since 2011, I have worked with Jaume Haro in Cosmology, specifically in geometric and dynamic problems posed by cosmogonic models. Since 2018 I collaborate with the Clothilde project led by C. Torras at IRI (CSIC-UPC), on the modelling of cloth, its recognition from images and its control by a robot.

Other Research Interests
  • The Albanese mapping.
  • Computational topology.
  • Cosmogony.
  • Inverse Biot-Savart problem.
  • Homotopy continuation methods.
Selected publications
  • Jaume Amorós, Marc Burger, Kevin Corlette, Dieter Kotschick, Domingo Toledo.
    Fundamental Groups of Compact Kähler Manifolds.
    Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 44. American Mathematical Society 1996.

  • J. Amorós, M. Manjarín, M. Nicolau.
    Deformations of Kähler manifolds with non vanishing holomorphic vector fields.
    Journal of the European Mathematical Society 14 (2012) 997-1040.

  • J. de Haro, J. Amorós.
    Non-singular models of universes in teleparallel theories.
    Physical Review Letters 110, 071104 (2013).

  • J. Amorós, A. Duran, M. Carrera, J. López, X. Granados.
    Singular spectrum analysis filtering and Fourier inversion: an efficient and fast way to improve resolution and quality of current density maps with low-cost Hall scanning systems.
    Measurement Science and Technology 30 (2019) 015010.