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Office Office 20 (C3b/022)
Phone +34 93 586 8519
Position Postdoctoral Researcher
Area Mathematical And Computational Biology
Group Mathematical And Computational Biology
Stepanova, Daria

My academic background is in mathematical modelling, oriented to theoretical biology which employs mathematical and numerical tools to get new insights into different biological systems. I obtained my PhD degree in 2022 at the CRM (enrolled at the UAB) under the supervision of Tomás Alarcón (ICREA, CRM), Helen Byrne and Philip Maini, both from the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford. The main topic of my thesis was to investigate the complex behaviour of endothelial cells during the process of blood vessel growth called angiogenesis. After completing my PhD, I did a two-month research stay at the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, where I worked on understanding cellular crosstalk between different cell types in intestinal crypts and mechanisms of mutation fixation in crypts that can lead to polyps and cancer. I then returned to Spain to start a postdoc at the Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc (LSC), located in the beautiful valley of Aragón in Huesca. My main responsibility was to provide mathematical support for the experiment Hyper-Kamiokande (HK) in analysing variations in critical pressure during hydrostatic and hydrodynamic implosion tests for photomultiplier covers employed on the HK detector's surface. Simultaneously, I was involved in research efforts at the LSC to investigate the effects of low-background radiation on living systems observed in biological experiments conducted at the LSC. As a result of this work, we proposed an experiment to be performed in the underground facilities of the LSC to investigate the contributions of low-background environments to different aspects of living systems’ homeostasis. This proposal, combining experiments with theoretical modelling, was approved and will be conducted at the LSC in early 2024. In the meantime, I completed my contribution to the HK experiment, which led me back to the CRM for my second postdoc. Here, I will work together with Tomás Alarcón, Josep Sardanyés, and our collaborator, Helen Byrne, from the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, to investigate the interactions between epigenetic regulation and 3D chromatin structure. I am excited to be back in the CRM and happy to chat! You can find me at the office 20 on the first floor.