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Office Office 19 (C3b/020)
Phone +34 93 586 8514
Position Principal Investigator
Area Mathematical And Computational Biology
Group Mathematical And Computational Biology
Sardanyes Cayuela, Josep

I completed a BSc in Biology at Universitat de Barcelona (2002) and went on to earn a Master in Biomedicine and a PhD in Biology (2009) under the supervision of Ricard Solé at the Complex Systems Lab (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Institute of Evolutionary Biology CSIC-UPF). During my PhD thesis I worked on dynamical systems and complexity in biological systems (replicator nonlinear dynamics). Upon obtention of my PhD degree, I moved to Valencia where I took up a postdoc position at the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Plant Biology (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas-UPV), where I went on with my research on virus dynamics and evolution working with Santiago Elena. In 2011 I moved to San Francisco for a second postdoc at The David J. Gladstone Institutes (University of California San Francisco, UCSF), where I focused on the theoretical and computational study of HIV-1 dynamics. Then I moved again to the Complex Systems Lab were I completed a third postdoc (2012-2016) working on cancer evolution, theoretical ecology and systems and synthetic biology. 

In November 2016, I joined the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (Bellaterra, Barcelona) as a visiting scientist at the Computational and Mathematical Biology group lead by Prof. Tomás Alarcón. In 2017 I started as a senior researcher at CRM receiving a postdoctoral grant from "la Caixa" foundation. I have recently obtained a "Ramon y Cajal" fellowship, also starting my own laboratory within the Computational and Mathematical Biology Group: the Nonlinear Dynamics and Evolution (NoDE) Laboratory (see the web​).

I am also adjunct professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, teaching at the subject Complexity Science at the Computational Biomedical Engineering Master


Research lines

I am working on applied mathematics and nonlinear dynamical systems in biology. My scientific research spans the fields of cancer dynamics and evolution, tumor heterogeneity and and its relation to drug response and adaptability, and fitness landscapes theory for tumor evolution and cell differentiation. I am also interested in RNA virus dynamics and evolution, in systems and synthetic biology, and in theoretical ecology and population dynamics and transitions.

Selected publications

Last articles in peer-review journals

Submitted/under revision

68. Vidiella B, Valverde S, Fontich E, Sardanyés J, Transients in simple trophic chains with facilitation: the impact of habitat destruction. Theoretical Ecology (submitted)

67. Sardanyés J, Raich C, Alarcón T. Noise-induced stabilization of saddle-node ghosts. Physical Review E (submitted)

66. Solé R, Sardanyés J, Elena SF, Phase transitions in Virology. Virus Evolution (submitted)

65.Zaldo Q, Serra I, Alsedà Ll, Sardanyés J, Maneja R, Reviewing the reliability of Land Use and Land Cover Data in studies relating human health to the environment. Land Use Policy (submitted)

64. Vidiella B, Sardanyés J, Solé R, Synthetic soil crusts against green-desert transitions: a spatial model. Royal Society Open Science​ (submitted)


63. Penella C, Alarcón T, Sardanyés J, Spatio-temporal dynamics of cancer phenotypic quasispecies under targeted therapy. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) (2020) Accepted​

62. Nurtay A, Hennessy MG, Alsedà Ll, Elena SF, Sardanyés J, Host-virus evolutionary dynamics with specialist and generalist infection strategies: bifurcations, bistability and chaos. Chaos (2020) Accepted​

61. Perona J, Fontich E, Sardanyés J, Dynamical effects of loss of cooperation in discrete-time hypercycles​. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 406: 132425 (2020)

60. Conde-Pueyo N, Vidiella B, Sardanyés J, Berdugo M, Maestre FT, de Lorenzo V, Solé R, Synthetic biology for terraformation: lessons from Mars, Earth, and the microbiome​. Life 10(2): 14 (2020)

59. Alsedà Ll, Vidiella B, Solé R, Lázaro JT, Sardanyés J, Dynamics in a time-discrete food-chain model with strong pressure on preys​. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 84, 105187 (2020)

58. Sardanyés J, Piñero J, Solé R, Habitat loss-induced tipping points in metapopulations with facilitation​. Population Ecology 1-14 (2019)

57. Sardanyés J. Viruses: Agents of evolutionary invention​. The Quarterly Review of Biology 94(1): 90-91 (2019)

56. Nurtay A, Hennessy MG, Sardanyés J, Alsedà Ll, Elena SF, Theoretical conditions for the coexistence of viral strains with differences in phenotypic traits: a bifurcation analysis​. Royal Society Open Science 6: 181179 (2019)

55. Fornés J, Lázaro JT, Alarcón T, Elena SF, Sardanyés J, Viral replication modes in single-peak fitness landscapes: A dynamical systems analysis. Journal of Theoretical Biology 460: 170-183 (2019)