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Position Associate Professor
Group Analysis And Partial Differential Equations
Antezana, Jorge

I got my PhD in 2006 from the National University of La Plata. I was a Juan de la Cierva Fellow at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2008-2011). In 2019 I got Full Professor position at the National University of La Plata. Since 2024, I am Associate Professor at the University of Barcelona. My research interests focus on Analysis and I have collaborated with mathematicians from Argentina, Austria, Brazil, France, Hungary, Greece, Spain, Sweden, and South Korea. I am editor of the Argentinian Mathematical Union Journal.

Other Research Interests

My research interests focus on:

- Spectral theory.
- Fourier analysis.
- Point processes.
- Geometric problems in operator theory.

In these lines of research, during the last years I have been working on crystalline measures and quasicrystals, the influence of the curvature in the boundedness of classical operators, ergodic theorems in metric spaces, and rigidity properties of certain point processes.


PIP112202101 00954CO Teoría de operadores y aplicaciones al procesamiento de señales.

PID2022-142202NB-I00 Análisis de Fourier y Aplicaciones.

Selected publications

1. J. Antezana, M.G. García, Model subspaces techniques to study Fourier expansions in spaces associated to singular measures, Journal of Functional Analysis 279, (2020), 1-23.

2. E. Agora, J. Antezana, C. Cabrelli, Basarab Matei, Existence of quasicrystals and universal stable sampling and interpolation, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 372 (2019) 4647-4674

3. E. Agora, J. Antezana, C. Cabrelli, Multi-tiling sets, Riesz bases, and sampling near the critical density in LCA groups, Adv. Math. 285 (2015) 454-477.

4. J. Antezana, J. Marzo, J-F. Olsen, Zeros of random functions generated with de Branges kernels, Int. Math. Res. Notices 2017 (2017), 2284–2299.

5. J. Antezana, G. Larotonda, A. Varela, Optimal paths for symmetric actions in the unitary group, Communication in Mathematical Physics. 328 (2014), 481-497.

6. J. Antezana, E. Pujals, D. Stojanoff, The iterated Aluthge transforms sequence of a matrix converge, Adv. Math. 226 (2011) 1591-1620.