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Position Lecturer
Group Mathematical And Computational Biology
Estrada-Rodríguez, Gissell

I'm currently an Assistant Professor at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain. Previously, I was a postdoc at the University of Oxford working with Jose A. Carrillo as part of an ERC grant. Also, I was a postdoc at Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lion at Sorbonne Universite as part of a fellowship from Fondation Sciences Mathematiques de Paris (FSMP) where I worked under the supervision of Benoit Perthame and Luis Almeida for two years. I finished my PhD in 2019 in Edinburgh under the supervision of Heiko Gimperlein and Kevin Painter.


Other Research Interests

Research interests: Applied PDEs

Nonlocal and nonlinear partial differential equations (modelling, analysis and numerics).
Interacting particle systems and swarming behaviour.
Macroscopic limits of kinetic equations.
High-dimensional (internal) dynamics and networks.
Biological and robotic applications.
Inverse problems and parameter estimation.


I was recently awarded a research project from the Spanish government "Proyectos Generacion de Conocimiento 2022" (PID2022-143012NA-I00) with the title "Kinetic equations for high dimensional and nonlocal interacting particle systems: Macroscopic limits, analysis and numerical methods (macroKNIGHTs) " from 2023 to 2026.

Selected publications

Jose A. Carrillo, Gissell Estrada-Rodriguez, Laszlo Mikolas and Sui Tang. Robust estimation of interaction potential in nonlinear nonlocal equations with a gradient flow structure from noisy data. Submitted 2024, arXiv:2402.06355.

Gissell Estrada-Rodriguez and Benoit Perthame. Motility switching and front-back synchronisation in polarized cells. Journal of Nonlinear Sciences 32, no. 40, 2022.

Gissell Estrada-Rodriguez and Tommaso Lorenzi. Macroscopic limit of a kinetic model describing the switch in T cell migration modes via binary interactions. European Journal of Applied Mathematics, pp. 1-27, 2021.

Gissell Estrada-Rodriguez and Heiko Gimperlein. Interacting particles with Levy strategies: Limits of transport equations for swarm robotic systems. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 80(1), 476–498, 2020.

Gissell Estrada-Rodriguez, Heiko Gimperlein, Kevin J. Painter and Jakub Stocek. Space-time fractional diffusion in cell movement models with delay. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 29 (2019), 65-88.

Gissell Estrada-Rodriguez, Heiko Gimperlein and Kevin J. Painter. Fractional Patlak-Keller-Segel equations for chemotactic superdiffusion. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 78(2): 1155-1177, 2018.