E-mail andrew.michael.clarke@upc.edu
Position Lecturer
Area Dynamical Systems
Group Dynamical Systems
Clarke, Andrew

Andrew Clarke is a lecturer at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, and a member of the UPC Dynamical Systems Group. His research is primarily in Hamiltonian dynamical systems, with a particular emphasis on celestial mechanics models, billiards, and geodesic flows. He has proved the existence of various chaotic phenomena in these models, such as the existence of hyperbolic sets, unbounded trajectories, and Arnold diffusion.

Prior to his current position at UPC, Andrew was a postdoctoral researcher for 3 years, working with Marcel Guardia: for two years at UPC, and one year at the Universitat de Barcelona. Before this he completed his PhD under the supervision of Dmitry Turaev at Imperial College London.

Group: UPC Dynamical Systems Group

Research field: Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory

Other Research Interests

Dynamical Systems
Hamiltonian Dynamics
Celestial Mechanics
Instability Phenomena

Selected publications

Why are inner planets not inclined? Andrew Clarke, Jacques Fejoz, Marcel Guardia. To appear in Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS.

Chaotic Properties of Billiards in Circular Polygons. Andrew Clarke, Rafael Ramírez Ros. To appear in Communications in Mathematical Physics.

A Counterexample to the Theorem of Laplace-Lagrange on Stability of Semimajor Axes. Andrew Clarke, Jacques Fejoz, Marcel Guardia. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 248, 19 (2024).

Arnold diffusion in multidimensional convex billiards. Andrew Clarke, Dmitry Turaev. Duke Mathematical Journal 172(10): 1813-1878 (2023).

Generic properties of geodesic flows on analytic hypersurfaces of Euclidean space. Andrew Clarke. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 42(12): 5839-5868 (2022).