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Office Office 21 (C3b/024)
Position Postdoctoral Researcher
Research interests Computational Neuroscience
Group Neuroscience
Wokke, Martijn

Martijn started to pursue a life of science in Amsterdam by joining the lab of Dr. Victor Lamme. In 2014, the scientific waters took him into the realm of internally oriented processes, including metacognition, prediction, and creative thinking. He investigated these topics in Brussels with Dr. Axel Cleeremans and in the labs of Dr. Tony Ro in New York and Dr. Tristan Bekinschtein in Cambridge (ABC Talent Grant, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellowship 2018-2021). When working for Sony Computer Science Labs Tokyo (2021-2022), Martijn studied fear learning and  group decision-making together with Ai Koizumi .

Next, Martijn investigated how (conscious/unconscious) internally generated information emerges in the brain, at New York University (Dr.Biyu He) and at the University of Granada (Maria Zambrano Fellowship). To this end, he uses psychophysics, neuroimaging methods (fMRI, MEG/EEG), and non-invasive brain stimulation (TMS).


Art, Tennis,  Beach volleyball, human beings, other animals and plants.

Other Research Interests

Cognitive Neuroscience

Selected publications

Alemany-Gonzalez, M.*, Wokke, M. E*., Chiba, T., Narumi, T., Watanabe, K., Nakazawa, K., ... & Koizumi, A. (2024). Fear in action: Fear conditioning and alleviation through body movements. iScience.   * equal contribution

Xu, Y., Wokke, M., Noreika, V., Bareham, C., Jagannathan, S., Georgieva, S., ... & Bekinschtein, T. (2023). Effects of alertness on perceptual detection and discrimination. bioRxiv, 2023-03.

Pezzema+, R., Wokke, M.E., Aglioti, S.M., Ridderinkhof, K.R. (2021). Doing it wrong: a systematic review on electrocortical and behavioral correlates of error monitoring in patients with neurological disorders. Neuroscience.  

Rafiei, F., Safrin, M., Wokke, M.E., Lau, H., & Rahnev, D. (2021). TMS alters multivoxel patterns in the absence of overall activity changes. Neuroimage.

Wokke, M. E., Achoui*, D., & Cleeremans, A. (2020). Action information contributes to metacognitive decision-making. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-15. 

Wokke, M.E., & Ro, T. (2019). Competitive Frontoparietal Interactions Mediate Implicit Inferences. Journal of Neuroscience, 39(26), 5183-5194. 

Wokke, M. E., Padding, L., & Ridderinkhof, K. R. (2019). Creative Brains Show Reduced Mid Frontal Theta. bioRxiv, 370494. 

Wokke, M.E., Cleeremans, A., & Ridderinkhof, K. R. (2017). Sure I'm sure: prefrontal oscillations support metacognitive monitoring of decision making. Journal of Neuroscience, 37(4), 781-789. 

Wokke, M.E., Knot, S. L., Fouad, A., & Ridderinkhof, K. R. (2016). Conflict in the kitchen: Contextual modulation of responsiveness to affordances. Consciousness and cognition, 40, 141-146. 

Wokke, M.E., Talsma, L. J., & Vissers, M. E. (2015). Biasing neural network dynamics using non-invasive brain stimulation. Frontiers in systems neuroscience, 8, 246. 

Wokke, M.E., Scholte, H. S., & Lamme, V. A. (2014). Opposing dorsal/ventral stream dynamics during figure-ground segregation. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 26(2), 365- 379.