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Position Professor
Group Dynamical Systems
Fagella, Núria

I received my Ph.D. in 1995 from Boston University under the supervision of Robert L. Devaney. I am now a full professor at Universitat de Barcelona and the co-leader of the research group Holodyn, working in complex dynamical systems. I was awarded an Icrea Academia award in 2021 and a Chern Professorship at MSRI (Berkeley) in 2022. I supervised five Ph.D. students and several postdoctoral fellows. Jointly with Bodil Branner (DTU Denmark) I am the author of the book "Quasiconformal Surgery in Holomorphic Dynamics", Cambridge University Press (2014). I have published over 50 papers in leading journals including Inventiones Mathematicae, Advances in Mathematics or Transactions of the AMS.

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Other Research Interests
  • Holomorhic dynamical systems.
  • Geometric Function theory.
  • Quasiconformal surgery.
  • Topological dynamics.