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Position Lecturer
Research interests Geometry
Group Algebra Geometry Number Theory And Topology
Cirici, Joana

After defending my PhD in 2012 at Universitat de Barcelona, I held several postdoctoral positions in Berlin, Münster and Barcelona, including a Marie Curie Fellowship at FU-Berlin and a research position as PI from the German Research Foundation at WWU-Münster. In 2019, I became Serra Húnter Lecturer at Universitat de Barcelona, and Associate Professor in 2024.


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Algebraic Topology and its interactions with Algebraic Geometry and Complex Geometry

Topology of algebraic varieties and mixed Hodge theory;

Multiplicative structures in homotopical algebra and cohomological operations;

Rational and p-adic homotopy theory, operads and formality;

Topology of complex and almost complex manifolds.


• Homotopical Methods in Geometry (PID2020-117971GB-C22), AEI, Spain.
• Geometry and Topology at UB (GiT-UB), (2021 SGR 00697), AGAUR, Government of Catalonia.
• Europa Excelencia "Homotopical Invariants of Almost Complex Manifolds" (EUR2023-143450), AEI, Spain.

Selected publications

• J. Cirici and S. O. Wilson. Homotopy BV-algebras in Hermitian geometry. Journal of Geometry and
Physics, Vol 204, 105275 (2024).

• J. Cirici and B. Saleh. Weight decompositions on algebraic models for mapping spaces and
homotopy automorphisms. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 21, art. nr. 156, (2024).

• J. Cirici. Cup and Massey products on the cohomology of compact almost complex manifolds.
Rivista di Matematica della Università di Parma, Vol 13, n.2 (2022).

• J. Cirici and G. Horel. Étale cohomology, purity and formality with torsion coefficients. Journal of
Topology, (2022).

• J. Cirici and S. O. Wilson. Hodge-de Rham numbers of almost complex 4-manifolds. Expositiones
Mathematicae, (2022).

• J. Cirici and A. Sopena. Filtered A-infinity structures in complex geometry. Proceedings of the
American Mathematical Society 150 no. 9, 4067-4082. (2022).

• D. Chataur and J. Cirici. Sheaves of E-infinity algebras and applications to algebraic varieties and
singular spaces. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 375, no. 02, 925-960 (2022).

• J. Cirici and S. O. Wilson. Dolbeault cohomology for almost complex manifolds. Advances in
Mathematics. Volume 391 (2021).

• J. Cirici, J. Salvadó and J. Tarón. Characterization of quantum entanglement via a hypercube of
Segre embeddings. Quantum Information Processing 20, no. 7, Paper No. 252, 28 pp (2021).

• J. Cirici, Daniela Egas Santander, Muriel Livernet and Sarah Whitehouse. Model category structures
and spectral sequences. Proceedings A of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 150(6), 2815--2848

• J. Cirici and G. Horel. Mixed Hodge structures and formality of symmetric monoidal functors.
Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure, 53(4):1071--1104 (2020).

• J. Cirici and S. O. Wilson. Almost Hermitian Identities. Mathematics, Special issue: Inequalities in Geometry and Applications, 8 1357 (2020) .

• J. Cirici and S. O. Wilson. Topological and geometric aspects of almost Kähler manifolds via
harmonic theory. Selecta Mathematica 26, 35 (2020).

• U. Buijs, F. Cantero and J. Cirici. Weight decompositions of Thom spaces of vector bundles in
rational homotopy theory. Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, 15, 1--26 (2020).

• J. Cirici and A. Roig. Sullivan minimal models of operad algebras. Publicacions Matemàtiques, 63, no 1, 125--154 (2019).