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Nicolas Brunel, CRM Scientific Advisory Board member, delivered a seminar on the roles of inhibition in cortical network dynamics as part of the Barccsyn Seminar Cycle. He presented findings on how inhibition stabilizes neural activity and shapes response patterns, focusing on excitatory-inhibitory coupling, the effects of optogenetic stimulation, and the distinct roles of inhibitory neuron subtypes in network stability.

Bellaterra, October 25, 2024 – The Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) welcomed Dr. Nicolas Brunel, a member of its Scientific Advisory Board, for a seminar as part of the Barccsyn Seminar Cycle. Dr. Brunel, affiliated with Duke University and Università Bocconi, presented his research on “Roles of inhibition in stabilizing and shaping the response of cortical networks.” The talk covered recent developments in understanding how inhibition influences cortical network dynamics, offering a perspective on the mechanisms that contribute to network stability and response modulation.

Dr. Brunel presented research on how light-based stimulation of inhibitory neurons helps stabilize brain activity, even without sensory input, enhancing models of excitatory-inhibitory (E-I) network interactions. He also shared findings on how activating pyramidal cells can alter neural firing patterns without disrupting overall activity levels, pointing to a complex E-I response. Additionally, Dr. Brunel highlighted the specialized roles of inhibitory neuron types, showing that SST cells, in particular, are essential for stability in certain conditions, suggesting these subtypes adapt to different network demands.

The Barccsyn Seminar Cycle, supported by the SGR “Network Dynamics,” brings leading international researchers in computational and systems neuroscience to Barcelona, fostering a vibrant exchange of ideas. This initiative not only offers insights into their groundbreaking work but also connects them with the growing Barccsyn community. To deepen these connections, invited speakers are encouraged to visit various labs across the city to build meaningful collaborations and experience Barcelona’s thriving research environment.

Dr. Brunel’s visit to CRM provided an opportunity to meet and engage the Barccsyn and CRM research communities. His involvement continues to strengthen CRM’s connections in the field, advancing shared research goals in understanding brain network dynamics.

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Pau Varela


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