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From the 1980s onwards, research in Mathematics in Catalonia began a remarkable development. In particular, in fields that have application to Finance such as Statistics, Stochastic Calculus or Applied Mathematics. The UAB Department of Mathematics and the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM), among others, contributed significantly to this development.

On the other hand, from the 1970s onwards, certain mathematical advances began to revolutionize the world of finance, especially in terms of portfolio management, the valuation and hedging of derivatives and the measurement and control of risk. During the 1990s, the country’s major financial institutions became aware of the need to hire highly mathematically qualified professionals in order to incorporate these new ideas and techniques into their day-to-day management.

The Master in Mathematics for Financial Instruments (MMIF) was born in 1998 as a response to these needs and as a result of an agreement between the UAB Department of Mathematics and the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM), the Borsa de Barcelona, ​​which is the sponsoring entity, and the main financial companies in our country, which advise on the Master’s degree and offer paid internships to our students.

Approximately half of the MMIF’s teaching staff belong to the academic world and are professors at the Autonomous Universities of Barcelona (UAB), Barcelona (UB) and Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). The other half is made up of professionals from different financial institutions such as Borsa de Barcelona, ​​CaixaBank, Banco Sabadell, Crèdit Andorrà, VidaCaixa and Catalana Occidente.

The MMIF consists of an academic part valued at 40 ECTS credits, an internship part valued at 20 ECTS credits and a master’s thesis of 6 credits. The internships, remunerated, are carried out mainly in the financial institutions that support us, among which are the most important in our country. These internships provide students with the necessary component of hands-on learning. In addition, through these entities we maintain an open path of collaboration between the academic and professional worlds.


Classes are held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 4pm to 8pm.

Schedule for the first semester
The first semester begins the last week of September.

Schedule for the second semester
The second semester begins the first week of February.


The Master’s Degree in Mathematics for Finance is carried out in the classrooms of the Cente de Recerca Matemàtica, in the teaching laboratory (computer room) of the UAB Department of Mathematics and in the computer room of the UAB Faculty of Sciences.

General information

Main Information
The aim of the MMIF is to train quantitative analysts with a deep and critical understanding of the models and methods used in Finance, capable of working in research, development and innovation in this sector.

We target young people with mathematical talent, whether they have a degree or graduate in Mathematics or in related careers such as Physics, Statistics, Economics, Engineering or other equivalents. The promotions we have already formed show that our graduates have a great acceptance in the job market.

The training is divided into two parts, with a total value of 66 ECTS:

The first part is an academic program of theoretical training, of 40 ECTS, divided in two semesters. Each semester covers 6 different subjects.
The second part is a 500-hour internship period, with a value of 20 ECTS, plus a master’s thesis of 6 ECTS.

Students who pass both parts receive the master’s degree awarded by the UAB Postgraduate School. Students who pass the academic part and do not complete the internship period receive the postgraduate diploma issued by the UAB Postgraduate School.

The Master’s Degree is aimed at graduates in Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Economics, Engineering or similar studies. No previous experience in finance is required.

We accept a maximum of 20 students.

Academic policy
All subjects are assessed by continuous examination or assessment, in a single call.

Once the academic part is over, students will be able to start internships at a financial institution. Admission is subject to a selection process, including an interview. These practices are carried out preferably in one of the associated institutions, although in special cases they can be validated.

Enrolment fees
The total price of the master’s degree is € 5.544; Academic part (postgraduate): € 3.360.

  • Possibilities for professional development
  • Banks and other financial institutions.
  • Financial consulting.
  • Insurance companies.
  • Financial markets.

Silvia Cuadrado, MMIF coordinator.
Telephone number: +34 93 586 85 68

Francisco Carreño Mondéjar, Department of Mathematics.
Telephone number: +34 93 581 32 75
Postgraduate School

Master website
at UAB



Silvia Cuadrado (

Phone: +34 93 581 48 74