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IRP on Modern Trends in Fourier Analysis

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Intensive Research Programme (IRP)
From May 05, 2025
to June 30, 2025

If you wish to register only for one of the activities, please choose the one you are interested in from the list



This program focuses on recent developments in Harmonic Analysis, Geometric Measure Theory, and Constructive Approximation, with an emphasis on Fourier uncertainty principles, restriction estimates in Fourier analysis, and analysis in discrete geometry. The aim is to create an ideal atmosphere for significant progress in these areas. To achieve this, leading scientists with expertise in Fourier analysis will bring together their diverse backgrounds, interact, and collaborate to stimulate the development of research. In addition to the Conference and Advanced Courses described below, there will be regular activities such as weekly seminars and group research sessions.

Seminars will be conducted during the programme.


The plan is to take three five-hour advanced courses. The timetable would be courses from Monday to Friday morning, short communications of the participants on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, cultural outing and dinner on Wednesday afternoon and school closing at noon on Friday.

  1. Fourier uncertainty principles
  2. Restriction estimates in Fourier analysis
  3. Analysis and discrete geometry


The following activities are planned in the course of the program:

– May 26-30, 2025: Advanced Courses on modern aspects of Fourier analysis. We encourage our speakers to publish the lecture notes in the series “Advanced Courses in Mathematics CRM Barcelona” by Birkhäuser. The main goal of those courses is to offer to graduate students and interested researchers introductory expositions to the topics.
–June 2-6, 2025: Conference “Modern trends in Fourier analysis”.

Satellite conference: Sobolev inequalities and related topics. Dates: 19th to 22nd May 2025

Scientific and Organizing Committee

Dmitriy Bilyk​ ​University of Minnesota, United States
Emanuel Carneiro ​The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy
Diogo Oliveira e Silva Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Betsy Stovall ​University of Wisconsin–Madison, United States
Sergey Tikhonov ​ICREA, Centre de Recerca Matemàtica

Local Organizers

Carlo Bellavita Universitat de Barcelona
Óscar Domínguez ​CUNEF
Egor Kosov ​Centre de Recerca Matemàtica
Olli Saari
UPC, Centre de Recerca Matemàtica
Sergey Tikhonov ​ICREA, Centre de Recerca Matemàtica


Invited Visiting Researchers

David Beltran University of Valencia
Andrei Bondarenko NTNU
Dmitriy Bilyk University of Minnesota
Elena Cordero Università di Torino
Mateus Costa de Sousa BCAM
Emanuel Carneiro ​The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy
Xiumin Du Northwestern University
Óscar Domínguez CUNEF
João Ferreira  IMPA
University of Bologna
Felipe Gonçalves IMPA
Alex Iosevich University of Rochester
Joaquín James Cano BCAM
Vjekoslav Kovac University of Zagreb
Alexei Kulikov Tel Aviv University
Nir Lev Bar-Ilan University
José Ramon Madrid Padilla Virginia Tech
Ricardo Machado Motta BCAM
Eugenia Malinnikova Stanford University
Svitlana Mayboroda
ETH Zürich
Askhat Mukanov Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling
Akbota Myrzakul
Astana IT University
Giuseppe Negro IST Lisboa
Shahaf Nitzan Georgia Institute of Technology
Yerlan Nursultanov Kazakhstan Branch of Lomonosov State University
Yumeng Ou University of Pennsylvania
Kristina Oganesyan MSU
Andrea Olivo del Valle BCAM
Diogo Oliveira e Silva Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Jill Pipher Brown University
Danylo Radchenko Lille University
João Pedro Ramos EPFL, King’s College London
Kristian Seip NTNU
Miquel Saucedo CRM
Lenka Slavikova Charles University Prague
Betsy Stovall University of Wisconsin-Madison
Maud Szusterman Université Paris Diderot
Durvudkhan Suragan Nazarbayev University
Krystal Taylor Ohio State University
Nazerke Tleukhanova L.G. Gumilev Eurasian National University
Ioann Vasilyev CY Cergy Paris Université
Guilherme Vedana  IMPA
Hong Wang Courant Institute of mathematical Sciences (NYU Courant)

Ivan Yaroslavtsev

University of Hamburg




For inquiries about the activity please contact the research programs coordinator Ms. Núria Hernández at​​