Grants for the incorporation of postdoctoral research staff into the Catalan science and technology system, within the Beatriu de Pinós programme (BP 2019)

The purpose of the Beatriu de Pinós programme is to award the grants on a competitive basis for the employment and incorporation of postdoctoral research staff into the Catalan science and technology system.
Applicants of any nationality must meet the following requirements:
a) Have obtained the title of doctor between the dates stipulated in the corresponding call (it is understood as the date of obtaining the doctorate the date of reading and approval of the thesis).
The period for obtaining a doctoral degree can be extended (see the corresponding call) if the candidate justifies any of these assumptions during this period:
– Have a period of maternity leave or paternity leave.
– Have been in charge of children under 6 years or people with physical, mental or sensory disability, or people over 65 years of age who depend on the candidate and who require special care.
- Have suffered a serious illness or an accident with a medical leave equal to or greater than six months.
– Have the status of a refugee recognized according to the Geneva Convention of 1951.
b) Have at least two (2) years of postdoctoral experience outside Spain when joining the hosting entity. This postdoctoral experience, regardless of the type of relationship, may have been carried out in different institutions, provided that the total period of postdoctoral stay is at least two (2) years.
c) Not having resided or worked in Spain more than 12 months in the last three (3) years prior to the date of submission of the application. In the case of refugee research personnel, the mobility rule applies from the date of obtaining official recognition as a refugee, according to the Geneva Convention of 1951.
Execution period and duration
The contracts covered by this call will last for three (3) years.
The beneficiary entities of the grants must incorporate the candidate and formalize the contract in accordance with the corresponding regulations in force within the period between the date of publication of the resolution of concession to the electronic board of the Administration of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the date stipulated in the corresponding call.
Amount of the aid
The amount of the grant for hiring the research staff is € 132,300.00 (one hundred and thirty two thousand three hundred euros). This amount funds the cost of each contract during the three (3) years of the grant and includes the remuneration to be paid by the research staff and the employer’s quota of the Social Security.
Additionally, the grant also has a complementary amount of € 12,000.00 (twelve thousand euros). This aid is exclusively aimed at the actions implemented by the candidate during the period of the contract that is the subject to the grant, and which must be managed by the same beneficiary entity.
Applications must be submitted by telematic means, accompanied by the documentation provided for in these two phases. To access the second phase, it is essential that the applicant entities have previously signed the corresponding agreement with the AGAUR, which can be found on the AGAUR website.
a) First phase. The provisional application must be presented by the professor / researcher or the research group researcher who has to coordinate the research activity of the candidate and who is responsible for the application for Electronic via the "Procedures" section of the Generalitat de Catalunya website (<>) following the instructions provided.
Within the framework of these bases, a candidate and a responsible researcher or researcher can only count as one in each application for each call.
b) Second phase. Once the deadline for submission of provisional applications has elapsed, a new term will be opened so that the institutions requesting the grant access to the AGAUR aid management application (BOGA) to confirm or reject the presentation of the requests. To submit the application, the legal representative must sign the confirmation document generated by BOGA and send it to the AGAUR through the EACAT platform, or another valid electronic record, within the period established in the call.
To present the application you must:
1) Download and fill out the "application form" and save it to the computer.
2) Download and complete the document "Application’s Attachment" and save it to the computer. Once completed, the document must be converted into PDF format and attached to the application form.
The form together with the annex constitutes the complete request for this help (maximum 5Mb).
3) Go to the "Procedures" page and submit the request. When the request has been sent correctly, the service will generate a message indicating that the proposal has been received. This automatic message is the receipt acknowledgment.
When is the resolution announced?
The maximum legal term of resolution is six months after the publication of the call by the DOGC. Once this term has elapsed without an express resolution, the aid requested is deemed dismissed by silence.
What response do you get?
Prior to granting the grants, the instructing body must resolve the inadmissibility or withdrawal of the application, which will be notified to the interested party by means of publication in the Electronic Board of the Administration of the Generalitat. The resolution of the concession will be notified to the interested parties by means of its publication in the Electronic Board of the Administration of the Generalitat de Catalunya.