The 4th NLOA Conference, co-organized by CRM and ICM, gathered experts in Barcelona to discuss nonlinear dynamics in oceanic and atmospheric sciences. The event fostered interdisciplinary collaboration and international partnerships, with discussions on climate modelling and ocean dynamics.
Bellaterra, January 27th, 2025 – Last week, the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM), in collaboration with the Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM), organized the 4th Nonlinear Processes in Oceanic and Atmospheric Flows (NLOA 2025) conference in Barcelona. The event, which took place from January 22 to January 24, brought together leading experts in mathematics, physics, oceanography, and atmospheric sciences to discuss the latest developments in nonlinear dynamics related to oceanic and atmospheric phenomena.
The conference, hosted at the ICM’s premises in the Vila Olímpica district, provided an international forum for researchers to explore open challenges and innovative solutions in ocean and atmospheric science. The program featured plenary lectures, thematic sessions, and networking opportunities aimed at fostering cross-disciplinary collaboration.
The conference featured a diverse lineup of plenary speakers, including Peter Ditlevsen, a climate scientist from the Niels Bohr Institute in Denmark. Ditlevsen delivered a talk titled Warning of a Forthcoming Collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), highlighting the critical role this ocean current plays in regulating the climate of the North Atlantic region. He discussed alarming signs of its weakening, which could trigger severe climate disruptions across Europe and North America. While leading climate models project that a complete collapse is unlikely within this century, recent findings suggest it could occur much sooner if greenhouse gas emissions remain unchecked.
In addition to Professor Ditlevsen, the conference featured a diverse roster of plenary speakers, including Daniele Iudicone, from Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, who discussed the interplay between oceanic ecosystems and physical processes. Bernard Legras, from the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique – ENS, presented on the dynamics of stratospheric aerosol vortices. Amala Mahadevan, from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, explored pathways for the vertical transport of organic carbon and oxygen in the ocean. Maria Josefina Olascoaga, from the University of Miami, offered insights into finite-sized buoyant particle dynamics in surface ocean flows. Lastly, Pablo Ortega, from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, examined the role of ocean mesoscale processes in shaping future climate conditions.
An interdisciplinary meeting
The NLOA 2025 conference facilitated exchanges across disciplines, with participants discussing a broad spectrum of topics such as climate modelling, turbulence, transport processes, and predictive analytics for environmental monitoring. The event also featured interactive poster sessions, where early-career researchers showcased their contributions to the field.
A key aspect of the conference was its commitment to fostering international collaboration. Representatives from institutions across Europe, North America, and beyond engaged in dialogues about ongoing projects and potential future partnerships, underscoring the event’s significance in the global scientific community.
Visit the official websites of CRM and ICM for more information about the NLOA 2025 conference and upcoming initiatives.
About CRM and ICM
The Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) is a leading institution dedicated to mathematical research, with a focus on interdisciplinary applications. The Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM) is a renowned centre specializing in marine and environmental sciences, contributing to cutting-edge research on ocean dynamics and climate change.
Further reading:
Check out La Vanguardia’s article featuring an interview with Professor Ditlevsen, and don’t miss the TV3 report showcasing Ditlevsen and Ortega.
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