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Eva Miranda, a Full Professor at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and affiliated researcher at CRM, has been invited to give a lecture in the Nachdiplom series at ETH Zurich. Her lecture, titled “Singular Symplectic Manifolds,” is scheduled for the fall of 2025 and is expected to delve into the intricacies of this complex topic, a subject she has extensively researched since 2009.

Eva Miranda, Full Professor at the Department of Mathematics of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and affiliated researcher at CRM, is set to take part in the prestigious Nachdiplom lecture series at ETH Zurich. This invitation is a recognition of her outstanding contributions and expertise in the field.

Hosted by the Institute for Mathematical Research (Forschungsinstitut für Mathematik, FIM) at ETH Zurich, the Nachdiplom lectures are not merely academic events but an appreciation of excellence in the mathematical community. Founded in 1964 by ETH Professor Beno Eckmann, the Institute for Mathematical Research has the objective of enhancing and facilitating the exchange between ETH Zurich and international leading mathematicians.

Lecturers are carefully
handpicked by a selection
committee comprising
members from ETH’s Department
of Mathematics,
the FIM, and the
Zurich Graduate
School of Mathematics.

The Nachdiplom series is renowned for its challenging and innovative content. Lecturers are carefully handpicked by a selection committee comprising members from ETH’s Department of Mathematics, the FIM, and the Zurich Graduate School of Mathematics. This selection process ensures that only the most impactful and influential mathematicians are invited to present their work.


Miranda’s lecture is set to explore the structures of symplectic manifolds.

Professor Miranda has been invited to deliver a lecture on Singular Symplectic Manifolds in the fall of 2025. The course will explore aspects of singular symplectic geometry, including toric actions and quantization, with a focus on celestial mechanics applications, concluding with a comparison of singular symplectic varieties to general Poisson varieties. This invitation not only signifies recognition of Miranda’s profound expertise but also highlights ETH Zurich’s role in fostering advanced mathematical education and research.

Miranda’s academic career is as diverse as it is impressive. After obtaining her bachelor’s degree in algebra and geometry from the University of Barcelona in 1999 and completing her Ph.D. at the same institution in 2003, she ascended the academic ladder to become a respected and influential mathematician. Her list of accolades is long and includes the distinguished ICREA Acadèmia Award, received twice, and the honour of being the first Spanish mathematician to win a Chair of Excellence from the Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris. She has also received several international recognitions such as the François Deruyts Prize, the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel-Forschungspreis, and this 2023 she was appointed by the London Mathematical Society as a Hardy Lecturer.


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Pau Varela & Mariona Fucho


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