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The Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) took part in the 2025 ERCOM meeting in Paris, joining leading European centres to discuss collaboration, outreach, and research strategies.

The Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) took part in the annual meeting of ERCOM (European Research Centres on Mathematics), held on 21–22 March 2025 at the Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris. The CRM was represented by Carme Cascante, director of the centre; Gemma Martínez, general manager; and Núria Hernàndez, scientific activities manager.

ERCOM is a committee of the European Mathematical Society (EMS) that brings together the leading European research centres in mathematics. Its mission is to foster collaboration among institutions, discuss shared strategies, and strengthen mathematical research across Europe. For the CRM, being a member of ERCOM is both a recognition of its scientific excellence and an opportunity to actively engage in a network that drives joint projects, knowledge exchange, and collective initiatives in training, outreach, and science policy.

From left to right: José Antonio Lozano (Scientific Director of BCAM), Juan González-Meneses (Deputy Director of IMUS), Carme Cascante (Director of CRM), and Javier Aramayona (Director of ICMAT) — representatives of the Spanish mathematical research centres that are members of ERCOM, gathered during the 2025 annual meeting in Paris.

This year’s meeting served as a platform for open discussion on the current landscape of mathematics in Europe, encouraging synergies among centres and addressing key topics such as open-access publishing, the use of AI in scientific administration, communication strategies, and the organisation of research programmes. A dedicated session focused on outreach activities, underlining the centres’ commitment to the social impact of mathematics.

Through its participation, CRM reaffirms its commitment to contributing to a strong, open, and collaborative European mathematical research ecosystem.

ERCOM is an European Mathematical Society (EMS) committee consisting of Scientific Directors and Administrators of European Research Centres in the Mathematical Sciences, or their chosen representatives. Only European centres which are institutional members of the EMS, predominantly research oriented, with an international scientific board and a large international visiting programme, covering a broad area of the Mathematical Sciences are eligible for representation in ERCOM. The eligibility of centres is decided by the EMS Executive Committee after consultations with ERCOM. 

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Pau Varela


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