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The CRM Technology Transfer Unit has as it primary goal bringing the research, knowledge and KNOW-HOW that is developed at the center back to the society. With this intention, and in collaboration with other research centers, companies and industries, projects with a deep mathematical basis are carried out. Also, based on the problems presented, an expert consulting service is provided, taking advantage of the fact that innovation is the great commitment of CRM. In this way, the projects that are proposed to us or started at the center itself often carry the implicit mathematical basis of CRM research groups.

Consequently, we have a competitive advantage because it allows us to work with cutting-edge tools and thus, take advantage of any need for mathematical modeling, optimization or and operational research among many others.

KENIA (Knowledge Enhancing in Need-assessment Industrial for Advancement)  is the option for small and medium-sized companies that need to incorporate a mathematically based knowledge profile, adapted to their specific needs. It responds to the needs raised by the customer with a team of experts in the area, ensuring the technological solvency of the company.

How does it work?

For 10 months, the CRM team works closely with the company in the development of customized tools and in the training of staff for a role of technological leadership.

KENIA is the option for small and medium-sized companies that need to incorporate a mathematically based knowledge profile, adapted to their specific needs.

We respond to the needs raised by the customer with a team of experts in the area, ensuring the technological solvency of the company.

What does CRM offer?


Analysis of models and methodologies


Training in mathematical advice


Development supervision


Management skills, direction and leadership of work teams

What does the company get?


Advice & Guarantee of processes validated by experts
Performance guarantee and zero risk


Development of innovative and versatile solutions


Consolidated work team for the client