This Conference is part of the

♦ 30 €
Transcendental dynamics and beyond: Topics in Complex Dynamics 2021 (IRP Low dimensional dynamical systems and applications)
Sign into April 23, 2021
Conference Information
The conference focusses on iteration of functions in the complex plane in the presence of essential singularities, in one and several dimensions and related topics. Many problems specific for these types of maps have received a lot of attention in the last few years like the understanding of Fatou components or the subsets of the Julia set which escape to infinity. The conference will also emphasize a variety tools from analysis and topology which are involved and developed motivated by these questions. There will be four to five 2-hour minicourses focusing in different tools relevant to transcendental dynamics and given by leading experts in the field. We will enjoy also some invited lectures and numerous contributions by Ph.D. students and recent doctors.
Scientific Committee
Núria Fagella Universitat de Barcelona
Gwyneth Stallard Open University, UK
Dierk Schleicher Aix-Marseille Université
Jordi Canela Universitat Jaume I
Núria Fagella Universitat de Barcelona
Antonio Garijo Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Xavier Jarque Universitat de Barcelona
David Martí-Pete University of Liverpool
Phil Rippon and Gwyneth Stallard Open University – UK
Harmonic and Subharmonic Functions
Invited Talks
Matthieu Astorg Université d’Orléans
Krzysztof Baranski Warsaw University
Luka Boc Thaler University of Ljubljana
Kostya Drach Aix-Marseille University
Adam Epstein Warwick University
Vasiliki Evdoridou Open University – UK
Boguslawa Karpinska Technical University of Warsaw
Kirill Lazebnik University of Toronto
David Martí-Pete Liverpool University
Mónica Moreno-Rocha CIMAT
Dan Nicks University of Nottingham
Artur Nicolau Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Han Peters University of Amsterdam
Lasse Rempe Liverpool University
Dierk Schleicher Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille
List of participants
Click to open list
Dan Alexandru Paraschiv | Universitat de Barcelona |
Magnus Aspenberg |
Lund University |
Matthieu Astorg | Institut Denis Poisson |
Oscar Bandtlow | Queen Mary University of London |
Kuntal Banerjee | Presidency University |
Krzysztof Baranski | Warsaw University |
Anna Benini | Università di Parma |
Walter Bergweiler | Kiel University |
Anubrato Bhattacharyya | Presidency University |
Fabrizio Bianchi | CNRS – Laboratoire Paul Painlevé |
Chris Bishop | Stony Brook University |
Cinzia Bisi | University of Ferrara |
Luka Boc Thaler | University of Ljubljana |
Luka Boc Thaler | University of Ljubljana |
Konstantin Bogdanov | Aix-Marseille University |
Maxence Brévard | Paul Sabatier University – Toulouse III |
Andrew Brown | University of Liverpool |
Jack Burkart | Stony Brook University |
Jordi Canela | Universitat Jaume I |
Melida Carranza | Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas A.C. |
Tao Chen | The City University of New York – CUNY |
Wu Cheng Fa | Shenzhen University |
Julià cufí | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona |
Clara Cufí-Cabré | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona |
Weiwei Cui | Lund University |
Neil Dobbs | UCD School of Mathematics |
Patricia Domínguez | Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla |
Kostya Drach | Aix-Marseille University |
David Drasin | Purdue University |
Jorge Duarte | University of Lisbon |
Artem Dudko | Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences |
Paula El Khouri | Imperial College London |
Adam Epstein | Warwick University |
Alexandre Eremenko | Purdue University |
Adrián Esparza-Amador | Pontifical Catholic University of Chile |
Bernat Espigulé | Universitat de Barcelona |
Vasiliki Evdoridou | The Open University |
Núria Fagella | Universitat de Barcelona |
Álvaro Fernandez Mora | Universitat de Barcelona |
Alastair Fletcher | Northern Illinois University |
Robert Florido Llinàs | Universitat de Barcelona |
John Fornaess | University of Michigan |
Logan Fox | Portland State University |
Antonio Garijo | Universitat Rovira i Virgili |
J.P.K. Gaudoin | Open University |
Daniel Girela | Universidad de Málaga |
Adi Glücksam | University of Toronto |
Marina Gonchenko | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya |
Ignasi Guillén | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona |
Rod Halburd | University College London |
Martin Himmel | Aarhus University |
Mi Hu | Not provided |
Jiaxing Huang | Shenzhen University |
Valentin Huguin | Paul Sabatier University – Toulouse III |
Pedro Iván Suarez Navarro | University of São Paulo |
Xavier Jarque | Universitat de Barcelona |
Anna Jové Campabadal | Universitat de Barcelona |
Boguslawa Karpinska | Technical University of Warsaw |
Ramanpreet Kaur | University of Delhi |
Linda Keen | CUNY Graduate Center |
Masashi Kisaka | Kyoto University |
Gaurav Kumar | Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati |
Kirill Lazebnik | Calthech University |
Ming Li | Tohoku University |
Eleanor Lingham | Sheffield Hallam University |
Josep M Gallegos | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona |
Victor Macia | Universitat de Barcelona |
Konstantinos Maronikolakis | University College Dublin |
Alejandro Marqués Lobeiras | Universidad de Oviedo |
David Martí-Pete | University of Liverpool |
Volker Mayer | University Lille 1: Sciences and Technologies |
Daniel Meyer | University of Liverpool |
Mónica Moreno-Rocha | Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas – CIMAT |
Hamid Naderiyan | University of North Texas |
Daniel Nicks | University of Nottingham |
Artur Nicolau | Univesitat Autònoma de Barcelona |
Hongmin Nie | Pontifical Catholic University of Chile |
Ratna Pal | IISER Berhampur |
Dan Paraschiv | Univesitat de Barcelona |
Leticia Pardo Simón | Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences – IMPAN |
Juan Pello García | Universitat de Barcelona |
Han Peters | University of Amsterdam |
Anand Prakash Singh | Central University of Rajasthan |
Guru Prem Prasad M | Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati |
Feliks Przytycki | Institut of Mathematics – IMPAN |
Bernhard Reinke | Aix-Marseille University |
Lasse Rempe | University of Liverpool |
Josias Reppekus | University of Rome Tor Vergata |
Thomas Richards | University of Warwick |
Phil Rippon | Open University |
Gustavo Rodrigues Ferreira | Open University |
Àlex Rodríguez | Universitat de Barcelona |
Mohammad Sajid | Qassim University |
Dierk Schleicher | Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille |
Sergey Shemyakov | Aix-Marseille University |
Mitsuhiro Shishikura | Kyoto University |
Sudhir Singh | National Institute of Technology Trichy India |
Gwyneth Stallard | Open University |
Matteo Tabaro | Imperial College London |
Raluca Tanase | Uppsala University |
Xavier Tolsa Domènech | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona |
Garima Tomar | Central University of Rajasthan |
Athanasios Tsantaris | University of Nottingham |
Van Tu Le | Paul Sabatier University – Toulouse III |
Patrick, Tuen Wai Ng | University of Hong Kong |
Joan Verdera | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona |
James Waterman | University of Liverpool |
Mareike Wolff | University of Kiel |
Jang-Mei Wu | University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign |
jiang Yan | Hunan Institute of Science and Technology |
Fei Yang | Nanjing University |
Jonguk Yang | Stony Brook University |
Tanran Zhang | Soochow University -Suzhou |
Yueyang Zhang | University of Science and Technology Beijing |
Michel Zinsmeister | University of Orléans |
*Updated April 22, 2021 |
Poster and contributed talks
Resolutions will be sent before April 9, 2021
Application deadline for grants is April 5 |
Resolutions will be sent by April 9 |
This conference is partially funded from the Faculty of Mathematics of UB, the Institute IMUB, the Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques and the research grants from the Spanish ministry MTM2017-86795-C3-3-P and from the Catalan Government 2017 SGR 1374. We are grateful to all of them for their help.


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For inquiries about the activity please contact the research programs coordinator Ms. Núria Hernández at