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Public Defences


​El Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) vol incorporar un investigador doctoral al grup de recerca en Anàlisi Harmònica i Teoria de l'Aproximació, dirigit per S. Tikhonov, per treballar en el...

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Launched the DevMath-CRM Programme

​The DevMath-CRM Programme (Suporting Maths in Developing World) aims to support mathematical research in developing countries. In the frame of this programme, the CRM will host, for stays ranging...

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EPDI Fellowships

​ ​EPDI Call for the year 2013 is already opened. Conditions and procedure how to submit an application can be found here. Deadline to submit applications is December 1, 2013.

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BGSMath Presentation

NULL ​In order to present to the students  the BGSMath, it has been organized a meeting on June 17, simultaneously with the “16 Trobada de  la Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques” at the IEC. If you...

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