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Public Defences

MINECO Doctoral Positions in the BGSMath

​​The aim of the contracts is to develop a doctoral training project in one of the research groups of the Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics (BGSMath). Each contract is attached to a research...

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New distinction to the Excellence

 ​New distinction to the Excellence   ​The Ministry of Science and Innovation has awarded with the distinction of center of excellence of the Severo Ochoa programme to the Institut de Bioingenyeria...

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Launched the DevMath-CRM Programme

​The DevMath-CRM Programme (Supporting Maths in Developing World) aims to support mathematical research in developing countries. In the frame of this programme, the CRM will host, for stays ranging...

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BGSMath Colloquium

    We inform you that next Tuesday, on May 19, will take place the BGSMath Colloquium at the Institut d'Estudis Catalans (Room: Sala Prat de la Riba) Programme

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Jornada de presentación del IEMath

NULL ​The CRM, as a catalan node of IEMath informs that next Thursday, February 26, from 10:30 to 13:45 will take place the "Jornada de presentación del IEMath" (programme attached below)....

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NULL ​La Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), la Universitat de Barcelona (UB) i el Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) han signat un conveni per a la creació del Barcelona Graduate School of...

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EPDI Fellowships

NULL ​EPDI Call for the year 2014 is already opened. Conditions and procedure how to submit an application can be found here. Deadline to sumit applications is December 1, 2014.

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