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Research Programmes (IRP)

Permanent call
Deadline April 30, 2025

Annual call for the organisation of Intensive Research Programmes taking place throughout 2026.

CRM Intensive Research Programmes (IRP) consist of periods of intense research in any area of mathematics and the mathematical sciences, bringing together researchers from all over the world to work on open problems, and to analyse its present state and perspectives.

The main points in the selection of the programmes are: scientific quality, interdisciplinary aspects, expected impact, participation of young researchers, encouragement of gender balance in steering committees, keynote speakers, participants, and the availability through the organizers of finding other sources of financial support.

IRP’s will have the possibility of developing a Follow-up.

The CRM IRP can run for periods from 3 to 5 months (from September to July).

The CRM started organizing IRP in 2003 and has organized so far from two to three per year. Each programme consists of a number of resident researchers, from junior to senior, and two to three scientific events (workshops, advanced courses, and conferences). Each research programme also runs an informal weekly seminar that serves as get-together time for research visitors and local mathematicians.

Each programme must have a Scientific Committee, which is fully responsible for:

a) Planning the activities included in the programme and the Follow-up.
b) The elaboration of the list of participants, in ranking priorities.
c) The submission of a final report of the programme within two months after its completion.

One of the members of the Scientific Committee should act as coordinator of the programme. At least one member of the committee should be always present during the programme. The coordinator will be responsible for the scientific performance of the research programme through the encouragement of interaction among the participants and their involvement in the programme’s activities.

Typically, participants in a programme include:

a) Senior research visitors.
b) Post-doctoral fellows.
c) Advanced PhD students.

Researchers are expected to be present at the CRM on a full-time basis. Visits should be at least two-weeks long.

An IRP or Follow-up program will typically include besides daily interactions among the participants, the following scientific events:

a) Weekly working seminars.
b) International conference and/or workshops, 3 to 5 days long, preferably open to researchers not participating in the programme.
c) Advanced courses addressed to graduate students. The CRM encourages the production of edited notes of the courses, which may be published in the Birkhäuser series Advanced Courses in Mathematics CRM Barcelona.

IRP and Follow-up participants benefit from the CRM well established experience staff and the comfortable premises, with the commodities of a campus environment and the nearby entertainment of the lively city of Barcelona. The CRM can host up to 25 research visitors at the same time during an IRP and Follow-up and offers its administrative staff to manage the Programme and its facilities. Each IRP and Follow-up program has a starting basic funding which is later enhanced by successful applications from outside funds. IRP’s and Follow-up programs have separated budgets.

The coordinators and other members of the Scientific Committee are kindly asked to assist in the fund-raising from outside sources. CRM will assist the Scientific Committee with all the administrative work related to these applications.

Application should be submitted at least on April 30, 2025. The decision will be made by the middle of May, 2025. Once the programme has been approved by the CRM, the organisers will be contacted by the Scientific Activities Coordinator to agree on the following:

a) Final dates and length of the programme.
b) Final list of participants, period of their research visits, financial support offered by the CRM, and financing sources, if other than the CRM.
c) Final scientific format of the programme, including a list of its scientific events and visitors.

The terms of agreement between the CRM and the organizers will be jointly signed by the CRM Director and the appointed coordinator of the programme. After the approval of a programme, a contact person from the CRM will be designated to assist the Scientific Committee with organizational matters related to it.

The CRM acts as the organizational unit for all activities (workshops, advanced courses, etc.) included in the programme, for accommodation arrangements, and general administration.

* Please note that it is important to include the budget in the proposal document, the concepts to be covered and the expected sources of funding.