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BIMR 2025 - Barcelona Introduction to Mathematical Research

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Advanced course / School
From June 30, 2025
to July 25, 2025


Application for the school is now OPEN through this APPLICATION FORM

Deadline to apply is April 6, 2025

After sending the resolutions (by April 18), the SIGN IN registration button will be activated, allowing candidates to register for the school.



This new edition of the ‘Barcelona Introduction to Mathematical Research’ Summer School, now under the BGSMath, aims to attract students in Mathematics (mainly in their 3rd or 4th year), from any University (in Barcelona or elsewhere) into the first steps in mathematical research in different disciplines.
The students will participate in the following activities:
1) Working on a research project in Mathematics during the month of July. This will be done under the supervision of an Advisor/Tutor, and may consist of reading one or a few research papers (or book chapters), or working on a small open problem.
2) Attendance to the Minicourses on Introduction to Research that will take place during the weeks of June 30-July 4 and July 7-11.
3) Attendance to the Round Table: ‘Academic career in mathematical research: what to do and when’ and a General Public talk (topic still to decide), that will take place during the afternoon in mid-July.
4) Participation in weekly social events (coffee breaks during the minicourses, and one social pizza evening for each of the four weeks of the program).

Research Project

The students will work on a research project in Mathematics during the month of July 2025.

This will be done under the supervision of a senior Advisor, and will consist of reading one or a few research papers (or book chapters) and/or working on a small open problem.

A committee will assign the students to their senior Advisors based on the preferences of both.


The students will participate in four courses on Introduction to Research, given by:

Each of these courses will be 4h or 5h long, and will take place at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).

Guillem Perarnau | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – Centre de Recerca Matemàtica

Enric Ventura | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Tomás Alarcón | Centre de Recerca Matemàtica

Laura Prat | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The students will participate in the following activities:

  • Round Table: ‘Academic career in mathematical research: what to do and when’.
  • Weekly social events: coffee breaks during the minicourses, and a social pizza evening each week of July.

The CRM offers accommodation fellowships for the month of July for students who live outside the Barcelona metropolitan area. IF you are interested, please choose the relevant option in the APPLICATION FORM below.


To participate in the school it will be necessary to fill in the APPLICATION FORM below by April 6, 2025.

Resolutions: wil be sent by April 18, 2025

The selection of applicants will be done based on the information included in the following documents to be uploaded when filling in the APPLICATION FORM:

    • CV.
    • Academic transcript.
    • Expression of interest letter.
    • Names and email addresses of two professors that are ready to give more information about your studies if asked. Remember to ask you references before giving their names. Include these names to your CV as “References”.

Applications will open: March 25, 2025.
Application deadline: April 6th
Resolutions: by April 18th
Summer Program: June 30th – July 30th 2025.


Natàlia Castellana

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona – CRM

Marc Masdéu 

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona – CRM

Xavier Ros Oton

Universitat de Barcelona – ICREA – CRM

Olli Saari

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – CRM

past editions

BIMR 2024

BIMR 2023

BIMR 2022



For inquiries about this event please contact the Scientific Events Coordinator Ms. Núria Hernández at​​


scam warning

We are aware of a number of current scams targeting participants at CRM activities concerning registration or accommodation bookings. If you are approached by a third party (eg, Conference Committee, Global Travel Experts or Royal Visit) asking for booking or payment details, please ignore them.

Please remember:
i) CRM never uses third parties to do our administration for events: messages will come directly from CRM staff
ii) CRM will never ask participants for credit card or bank details
iii) If you have any doubt about an email you receive please get in touch