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NULL ​El Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) vol incorporar un investigador doctoral al grup de recerca en Anàlisi Harmònica i Teoria de l’Aproximació, dirigit per S. Tikhonov, per treballar en el projecte que es detalla en l’annex.   La data...

Open the Call for 2016-2017 Research Programmes

Open the Call for 2016-2017 Research Programmes ​The CRM invites proposals for Intensive Research Programmes (IRP) in any branch of mathematics and its applications. CRM IRP consist of periods of intensive research in a given area of the mathematical sciences and...

Launched the DevMath-CRM Programme

Launched the DevMath-CRM Programme ​The DevMath-CRM Programme (Suporting Maths in Developing World) aims to support mathematical research in developing countries. In the frame of this programme, the CRM will host, for stays ranging between 1 and 3 months, young...

Launched the 2014 Industrial Doctorate Plan

Launched the 2014 Industrial Doctorate Plan ​​Within the programme of the Industrial Doctorate Plan, the CRM, together with two leading companies in their sector, presents two industrial PhD projects, which may be viewed here. For details regarding the projects and...