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The mathematics of M.C. Escher

The mathematics of M.C. Escher ​​Next Wednesday, October 4th at 5.30 pm, Àgora Room, CosmoCaixa (C/Isaac Newton, 26, Barcelona) will take place a public lecture entitled “The mathematics of M.C. Escher” by Jon Chapman, from Oxford University. You will find the...

Jornada de Doctorat el proper 4 d’Octubre a CosmoCaixa

Jornada de Doctorat el proper 4 d’Octubre a CosmoCaixa ​   ​On Wednesday October 4th, and as part of the activities organised within the Collaborative Mathematical Research project funded by “Obra Social, La Caixa”, we are going to hold a wrap-up event at CosmoCaixa...