about the crm
The Centre de Recerca Matemàtica was established in 1984 by Professor Manuel Castellet as a centre of the l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC, the Catalan Academy), in the premises of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). It is the oldest mathematics research institute in Spain. Presently, the CRM is a consortium between the Generalitat de Catalunya (the Catalan Government), represented by its Minister of Enterprise and Knowledge, the IEC and the UAB. The CRM belongs to the CERCA Agency of Research Centres sponsored by the Catalan Government, and is a member of ERCOM (European Research Centres in Mathematics), a committee of the European Mathematical Society, together with other European centres of a similar nature. The CRM is currently the managing institution of the Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics (BGSMath).
Since 2009, the CRM’s budget has been part of the public budget of the Catalan Government. Core funding is provided by the Catalan government through yearly contracts. Other funding is obtained through competitive calls of the European Union, the Spanish Ministries or the Generalitat. The CRM was awarded in the year 2000 with the Narcis de Monturiol Plate Award to Scientific and Technological Merit. In 2016 the CRM received the María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence award from the Spanish Research Agency (AEI), a prestigious accolade that recognizes research institutions with highly competitive strategic programs operating at the frontiers of knowledge. In 2020 the CRM received the award for the second time. Since 2015, the CRM has held the HR Excellence in Research Award, granted by the European Commission to give public recognition to research institutions that have made progress in aligning their human resource policies with the principles set out in the “Charter & Code”.
One of the core roles of the CRM is the organisation of international research programmes on selected topics in the field of mathematics, mathematical sciences and all its applications. The CRM hosts every year a number of leading researchers from all around the world to interact with local researchers over extended periods. The CRM, as a member of the CERCA network of research centres in Catalunya, is strongly committed to fostering and enhancing research throughout the country. Each research program held at the CRM spawns new collaborations among researchers from different backgrounds and levels of expertise during the lectures, seminars and informal interaction, which the CRM building has been designed specifically to encourage.
CRM’s Mission Statement
The remit of the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica is to be a resource of excellence in mathematical research and training at the international level. Its specific aims are:
1.- High-quality research of international standing in mathematics, including a special emphasis on real-world applications carried out in a collaborative or interdisciplinary context.
2.- Knowledge transfer based on validated mathematical research, with special emphasis on concrete implementations of justified models that address emergent problems with societal impact.
3.- Advanced training in the field of mathematics, through collaboration and synergies
4.- Dissemination of the advances in mathematics within both the wider academic community and society in general.