The computational neuroscience unit at the CRM was founded in 2012 and is made up of six Principal Investigators and their groups. The unit is an active member of a larger, Barcelona-wide Neuroscience community which includes theoretical, experimental and clinical groups located in a variety of university departments and research centers ( Research in the computational neuroscience unit is largely focused on systems-level neuroscience. Broadly speaking, this involves investigating how large assemblies of interacting neurons give rise to animal and human behavior. Our approach is generally to combine computational modeling with data analysis.
2023 | Catalina Vich, Paolo Massobrio, Antoni Guillamon. Effects of the short term plasticity in UP-DOWN cortical dynamics, accepted, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (2023). |
2022 | Roxin, A. (2022). Notes on Meanfield Models for Spiking Networks for CIRM Course, March 2022. |
da Fonseca, M., Maffei, G., Moreno-Bote, R., & Hyafil, A. (2022). Mood and implicit confidence independently fluctuate at different time scales. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 1-20. | LINK | |
Devalle, F., & Roxin, A. (2022). Fluctuation-driven plasticity allows for flexible rewiring of neuronal assemblies. arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.04641. |
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Devalle, F., & Roxin, A. (2022). Network mechanisms underlying representational drift in area CA1 of hippocampus. bioRxiv. | LINK | |
Baumard, N., Huillery, E., Hyafil, A., & Safra, L. (2022). The cultural evolution of love in literary history. Nature Human Behaviour, 6(4), 506-522. | LINK | |
Hyafil, A., & Moriña, D. (2022). Analysis of the impact of lockdown on the reproduction number of the SARS-Cov-2 in Spain. Gaceta sanitaria, 35, 453-458. | LINK | |
Esnaola-Acebes, Jose M., Alex Roxin, and Klaus Wimmer. Flexible integration of continuous sensory evidence in perceptual estimation tasks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119.45 (2022): e2214441119. | LINK | |
Scott, H., Wimmer, K., Pasternak, T., & Snyder, A. C. (2022). Altered Task Demands Lead to a Division of Labor for Sensory and Cognitive Processing in MT. bioRxiv, 2021-12. | LINK | |
Hyafil, A., de la Rocha, J., Pericas, C., Katz, L. N., Huk, A. C., & Pillow, J. W. (2022). Temporal integration is a robust feature of perceptual decisions. bioRxiv. | LINK | |
Óscar Díaz, Victor Martín, Pedro Renault, David Romero, Antoni Guillamon, Jesús Giraldo Allosteric Binding Cooperativity in a Kinetic Context, Drug Discovery Today 28 (2), 103441. (2022). | LINK | |
Patricia León-Cabrera, Antoni Guillamon, David Cucurell, Antoni Rodriguez-Fornells. The Beauty of Language Structure: A Single-case FMRI Study of Palindrome Creation., Journal of Neurolinguistics 63, 101086 (2022). See a preliminary version PsyArXiv | LINK | |
David Reyner-Parra and Gemma Huguet. Phase-locking patterns underlying effective communication in exact firing rate models of neural networks, PLoS Computational Biology 18(5):e1009342, 2022. |
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2021 | Prat-Ortega, G., Wimmer, K., Roxin, A., & de la Rocha, J. (2021). Flexible categorization in perceptual decision making. Nature communications, 12(1), 1-15. | LINK |
da Fonseca, M., Maffei, G., Moreno-Bote, R., & Hyafil, A. (2021). Emotional states and self-confidence independently fluctuate at different time scales. | LINK | |
van Viegen, T., Akrami, A., Bonnen, K., DeWitt, E., Hyafil, A., Ledmyr, H., … & Peters, M. A. (2021). Neuromatch Academy: Teaching computational neuroscience with global accessibility. Trends in cognitive sciences, 25(7), 535-538. |
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Hernández-Navarro, L., Hermoso-Mendizabal, A., Duque, D., de la Rocha, J., & Hyafil, A. (2021). Proactive and reactive accumulation-to-bound processes compete during perceptual decisions. Nature Communications, 12(1), 1-15. | LINK | |
Esnaola-Acebes, Jose M., Alex Roxin, and Klaus Wimmer. Bump attractor dynamics underlying stimulus integration in perceptual estimation tasks. BioRxiv (2021). | LINK | |
Ernest Fontich, Antoni Guillamon, J. Tomás Lázaro, Tomás Alarcón, Blai Vidiella, Josep Sardanyés. Critical slowing down close to a global bifurcation of a curve of quasi-neutral equilibria, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 104, 106032 (2021). | LINK | |
Ricard Solé, Nuria Conde-Pueyo, Antoni Guillamon, Victor Maull, Jordi Pla, Josep Sardanyés and Blai Vidiella. Synthetic criticality in cellular brains, J. Phys. Complex. 2 041001 (2021). | LINK | |
Blai Vidiella, Antoni Guillamon, Josep Sardanyés, Victor Maull, Jordi Pla, Nuria Conde-Pueyo, Ricard Solé. Engineering self-organized criticality in living cells, Nature Communications 12, 4415 (2021). | LINK | |
Tomás Alarcón, Josep Sardanyés, Antoni Guillamon, Javier A. Menendez. Bivalent chromatin as a therapeutic target in cancer: An in silico predictive approach for combining epigenetic drugs, PLOS Computational Biology 17 (6), 1-25 (2021). |
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2020 | Hermoso-Mendizabal, A., Hyafil, A., Rueda-Orozco, P. E., Jaramillo, S., Robbe, D., & De la Rocha, J. (2020). Response outcomes gate the impact of expectations on perceptual decisions. Nature communications, 11(1), 1-13. |
Adam, V., & Hyafil, A. (2020). Non-linear regression models for behavioral and neural data analysis. arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.00920. |
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Hernández-Navarro, L., Hermoso-Mendizabal, A., Duque, D., Hyafil, A., & de la Rocha, J. (2020). Sensory evidence integration and action initiation occur in parallel during perceptual decisions. |
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Loyola-Navarro, R., Moënne-Loccoz, C., Vergara, R. C., Hyafil, A., Aboitiz, F., & Maldonado, P. E. (2020). Agency improves working memory and accelerates visual and attentional processing. BioRxiv. |
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Catalina Vich, Rafel J. Prohens, Antonio E. Teruel, Antoni Guillamon. Estimation of synaptic activity during neuronal oscillations, Mathematics 8 (12), 2153 (2020). | LINK | |
Elif Köksal Ersöz, Mathieu Desroches, Antoni Guillamon, John Rinzel, Joël Tabak. Canard-induced complex oscillations in an excitatory network, Journal of Mathematical Biology 80 (7), 2075-2107 (2020). | LINK | |
Oriol Castejón, Antoni Guillamon. Phase-Amplitude Dynamics in terms of Extended Response Functions: Invariant Curves and Arnold Tongues, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 81, 105008 (2020). | LINK | |
Alberto Perez-Cervera, Tere M-Seara and Gemma Huguet. Global phase-amplitude description of oscillatory dynamics via the parameterization method. Chaos 30, 083117, 2020. | LINK | |
Selenne Banuelos, Janet Best, Gemma Huguet , Alicia Prieto-Langarica, Pamela B Pyzza, Shelby Wilson. Modeling the long term effects of thermoregulation on human sleep. Journal of Theoretical Biology 493, 110208, 2020 | LINK | |
Alberto Perez-Cervera, Tere M-Seara and Gemma Huguet. Phase-locked states in oscillating neural networks and their role in neural communication. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 80, 104992, 2020 | LINK | |
Selenne Banuelos, Janet Best, Gemma Huguet , Alicia Prieto-Langarica, Pamela B Pyzza, Shelby Wilson. Modeling the long term effects of thermoregulation on human sleep. Journal of Theoretical Biology 493, 110208, 2020. | LINK | |
2019 | Malone, P. S., Eberhardt, S. P., Wimmer, K., Sprouse, C., Klein, R., Glomb, K., … & Riesenhuber, M. (2019). Neural mechanisms of vibrotactile categorization. Human brain mapping, 40(10), 3078-3090. | LINK |
Schustek, P., Hyafil, A., & Moreno-Bote, R. (2019). Human confidence judgments reflect reliability-based hierarchical integration of contextual information. Nature communications, 10(1), 1-15. | LINK | |
Pietras, B., Devalle, F., Roxin, A., Daffertshofer, A., & Montbrió, E. (2019). Exact firing rate model reveals the differential effects of chemical versus electrical synapses in spiking networks. Physical Review E, 100(4), 042412. | LINK | |
Roxin, Alex. Drift–diffusion models for multiple-alternative forced-choice decision making. The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience 9.1 (2019): 1-23. | LINK | |
Anton Chizhov, Fabien Campillo, Mathieu Desroches, Antoni Guillamon, Serafim Rodrigues. Conductance-Based Refractory Density Approach for a Population of Bursting Neurons, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, July 16th, 1-20 (2019). |
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Amadeu Delshams, Antoni Guillamon, Gemma Huguet. Quasi-periodic perturbations of heteroclinic attractor networks, Chaos 28, 103111 (2019). |
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Alberto Perez-Cervera, Tere M-Seara and Gemma Huguet. A geometric approach to Phase Response Curves and its numerical computation through the parameterization method. Journal of Nonlinear Science 29 (6), 2877-2910, 2019. |
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Alberto Perez-Cervera, Peter Ashwin, Gemma Huguet, Tere M-Seara and James Rankin. The uncoupling limit of identical Hopf bifurcations with an application to perceptual bistability. The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience 9 (1), 7, 2019. | LINK | |
Albert Granados and Gemma Huguet. Gluing and grazing bifurcations in periodically forced 2-dimensional integrate-and-fire models. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 70, 48-73, 2019. | LINK | |
2018 | Theodoni, P., Rovira, B., Wang, Y., & Roxin, A. (2018). Theta-modulation drives the emergence of connectivity patterns underlying replay in a network model of place cells. Elife, 7, e37388. | LINK |
Cernak, M., Asaei, A., & Hyafil, A. (2018). Cognitive speech coding: examining the impact of cognitive speech processing on speech compression. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 35(3), 97-109. |
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Schmidt, H., Avitabile, D., Montbrió, E., & Roxin, A. (2018). Network mechanisms underlying the role of oscillations in cognitive tasks. PLoS computational biology, 14(9), e1006430. |
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Júlia Puig, Gerard Farré, Ernest Fontich, Antoni Guillamon, Josep Sardanyés. Bifurcation gaps in asymmetric and high dimensional hypercycles, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 28(1), 1830001-17p (2018). doi:10.1142/S021812741830001X |
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Alberto Perez-Cervera, Gemma Huguet and Tere M-Seara. Computation of invariant curves in the analysis of periodically forced neural oscillators. Nonlinear Systems, Vol. 2: Nonlinear Phenomena in Biology, Optics and Condensed Matter. Archilla, J.F.R. (et al.) (Eds.), Springer, pp 63-81, 2018. book chapter | LINK | |
2017 | Esnaola-Acebes, J. M., Roxin, A., Avitabile, D., & Montbrió, E. (2017). Synchrony-induced modes of oscillation of a neural field model. Physical Review E, 96(5), 052407. | LINK |
Hyafil, A. (2017). Disharmony in neural oscillations. Journal of Neurophysiology, 118(1), 1-3. |
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Jercog, D., Roxin, A., Bartho, P., Luczak, A., Compte, A., & de la Rocha, J. (2017). UP-DOWN cortical dynamics reflect state transitions in a bistable network. Elife, 6, e22425. | LINK | |
Hyafil, A., & Moreno-Bote, R. (2017). Breaking down hierarchies of decision-making in primates. Elife, 6, e16650. |
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Vegué, M., Perin, R., & Roxin, A. (2017). On the structure of cortical microcircuits inferred from small sample sizes. Journal of Neuroscience, 37(35), 8498-8510. | LINK | |
Nykamp, D. Q., Friedman, D., Shaker, S., Shinn, M., Vella, M., Compte, A., & Roxin, A. (2017). Mean-field equations for neuronal networks with arbitrary degree distributions. Physical Review E, 95(4), 042323. | LINK | |
Ramirez-Mahaluf, J. P., Roxin, A., Mayberg, H. S., & Compte, A. (2017). A computational model of major depression: the role of glutamate dysfunction on cingulo-frontal network dynamics. Cerebral Cortex, 27(1), 660-679. |
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Gerard Farré, Antoni Guillamon, Josep Sardanyés, Ernest Fontich. Coexistence stability in a four-member hypercycle with error tail through center manifold analysis, Nonlinear Dynamics, 90(3), 1873-1883 (2017). doi:10.1007/s11071-017-3769-6. |
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Catalina Vich, Rune W. Berg, Antoni Guillamon, Susanne Ditlevsen. Estimation of synaptic conductances in presence of nonlinear effects caused by subthreshold ionic currents, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 11, 69 (2017). |
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Pau Closas, Antoni Guillamon. Sequential estimation of intrinsic activity and synaptic input in single neurons by particle filtering with optimal importance density, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2017:65 (2017). doi:10.1186/s13634-017-0499-3. |
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Antoni Guillamon, Rafel Prohens, Antonio E. Teruel, Catalina Vich. Estimation of synaptic conductances in the spiking regime for the McKean neuron model, SIAM J Applied Dynamical Systems 16, 1397-1424 (2017). doi:10.1137/16M1088326. |
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Josep Sardanyés, J. Tomás Lázaro, Antoni Guillamon, Ernest Fontich. Full Analysis of Small Hypercycles with Short-circuits in Prebiotic Evolution, Physica D 347, 90-108 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.physd.2016.12.004 |
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Gemma Huguet , Xiangying Meng, and John Rinzel. Phasic Firing and Coincidence Detection by Subthreshold Negative Feedback: Divisive or Subtractive or, Better, Both. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 11, 3, 2017. | LINK | |
2016 | Roxin, A., & Compte, A. (2016). Oscillations in the bistable regime of neuronal networks. Physical Review E, 94(1), 012410. | LINK |
Wimmer, K., Ramon, M., Pasternak, T., & Compte, A. (2016). Transitions between multiband oscillatory patterns characterize memory-guided perceptual decisions in prefrontal circuits. Journal of Neuroscience, 36(2), 489-505. | LINK | |
Sisan, T. B., Yi, T., Roxin, A., & Lichter, S. (2016). Liquid slip at the molecular scale. In Handbook of Nanophysics: Nanoparticles and Quantum Dots. CRC Press. |
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Hyafil, A., & Koechlin, E. (2016). A neurocomputational model of human frontopolar cortex function. bioRxiv, 037150. |
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Wimmer, K., Spinelli, P., & Pasternak, T. (2016). Prefrontal neurons represent motion signals from across the visual field but for memory-guided comparisons depend on neurons providing these signals. Journal of Neuroscience, 36(36), 9351-9364. | LINK | |
Mathieu Desroches, Antoni Guillamon, Enrique Ponce, Rafel Prohens, Serafim Rodrigues, Antonio E. Teruel. Canards, Folded Nodes And Mixed-Mode Oscillations In Piecewise-Linear Slow-Fast Systems, SIAM Review 58, 653-691 (2016).doi:10.1137/15M1014528 |
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Gemma Huguet , Anoushka Joglekar, Leopold Matamba Messi, Richard Buckalew, Sarah Wong, and David Terman. Neuroprotective role of gap junctions in a neuron-astrocyte network model. Biophysical journal 111 (2), 452-462, 2016. | LINK | |
2015 | Wimmer, K., Compte, A., Roxin, A., Peixoto, D., Renart, A., & De La Rocha, J. (2015). Sensory integration dynamics in a hierarchical network explains choice probabilities in cortical area MT. Nature communications, 6(1), 1-13. | LINK |
Baumard, N., Hyafil, A., Morris, I., & Boyer, P. (2015). Increased affluence explains the emergence of ascetic wisdoms and moralizing religions. Current Biology, 25(1), 10-15. |
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Hyafil, A., Giraud, A. L., Fontolan, L., & Gutkin, B. (2015). Neural cross-frequency coupling: connecting architectures, mechanisms, and functions. Trends in neurosciences, 38(11), 725-740. |
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Hyafil, A. (2015). Misidentifications of specific forms of cross-frequency coupling: three warnings. Frontiers in neuroscience, 9, 370. |
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Montbrió, E., Pazó, D., & Roxin, A. (2015). Macroscopic description for networks of spiking neurons. Physical Review X, 5(2), 021028. | LINK | |
Wimmer, K., Compte, A., Roxin, A., Peixoto, D., Renart, A., & De La Rocha, J. (2015). Sensory integration dynamics in a hierarchical network explains choice probabilities in cortical area MT. Nature communications, 6(1), 1-13. | LINK | |
Hyafil, A., & Cernak, M. (2015). Neuromorphic based oscillatory device for incremental syllable boundary detection (No. REP_WORK). Idiap. |
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Hyafil, A., Fontolan, L., Kabdebon, C., Gutkin, B., & Giraud, A. L. (2015). Speech encoding by coupled cortical theta and gamma oscillations. Elife, 4, e06213. |
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Baumard, N., Hyafil, A., & Boyer, P. (2015). What changed during the axial age: Cognitive styles or reward systems?. Communicative & integrative biology, 8(5), e1046657. |
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Antoni Guillamon, Josep Sardanyés, Ernest Fontich. Bifurcations analysis of oscillating hypercycles, Journal of Theoretical Biology 387, 23–-30 (2015). doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2015.09.018 |
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Catalina Vich, Antoni Guillamon. Dissecting estimation of conductances in subthreshold regimes, Journal of Computational Neuroscience 39, 271-287 (2015). doi:10.1007/s10827-015-0576-2 |
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S. Bañuelos, J. Best, G. Huguet, A. Prieto-Langarica, P. B. Pyzza, M. H. Schmidt, S. Wilson. Effects of Thermoregulation on Human Sleep Patterns: A Mathematical Model of Sleep-Wake Cycles with REM-NREM Subcircuit. Applications of Dynamical Systems in Biology and Medicine , The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, Springer-Verlag, 2015. |
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2014 | Wimmer, K., Nykamp, D. Q., Constantinidis, C., & Compte, A. (2014). Bump attractor dynamics in prefrontal cortex explains behavioral precision in spatial working memory. Nature neuroscience, 17(3), 431-439. | LINK |
Gemma Huguet and John Rinzel. Multistability in Perception dynamics. In Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, vol II, Eds Dieter Jaeger, Ranu Jung, Springer, 2014. | LINK | |
Gemma Huguet , John Rinzel and Jean Michel Hupe. Noise and adaptation in multistable perception: noise drives when to switch, adaptation determines percept choice. Journal of Vision, 14 (3), 2014. | LINK | |
2013 | Roxin, A., & Fusi, S. (2013). Efficient partitioning of memory systems and its importance for memory consolidation. PLoS computational biology, 9(7), e1003146. | LINK |
Fontolan, L., Krupa, M., Hyafil, A., & Gutkin, B. (2013). Analytical insights on theta-gamma coupled neural oscillators. The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, 3(1), 1-20. |
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Oriol Castejón, Antoni Guillamon, Gemma Huguet. Phase-amplitude response functions for transient-state stimuli , The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience 3 (2013). doi:10.1186/2190-8567-3-13 |
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Alexander Pastukhov, Pedro E. García-Rodríguez, Joachim Haenicke, Antoni Guillamon, Gustavo Deco, Jochen Braun. Multi-stable perception balances stability and sensitivity, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 7 (2013). doi:10.3389/fncom.2013.00017 |
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Gemma Huguet and Rafael de la Llave. Computation of limit cycles and their isochrons: Fast algorithms and their convergence. SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 12(4): 1763-1802, 2013. | LINK | |
Gemma Huguet , Rafael de la Llave and Yannick Sire. Fast iteration of cocycles over rotations and computation of hyperbolic bundles. Proc. of the 9th AIMS conference, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Vol 2, 323-333, 2013. | LINK | |
John Rinzel and Gemma Huguet. Nonlinear Dynamics of Neuronal Excitability, Oscillations, and Coincidence Detection. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 66(9):1464-1494, 2013. | LINK | |
2012 | José Manuel Benita, Gustavo Deco, Antoni Guillamon, Maria V. Sánchez-Vives. Synaptic depression and slow oscillatory activity in a biophysical network model of the cerebral cortex, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 6 (2012, doi:10.3389/fncom.2012.00064). |
Xiangying Meng, Gemma Huguet and John Rinzel. Type III excitability, slope sensitivity and coincidence dectection. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. – Ser. A, 32: 2729-2757, 2012. | LINK | |
Gemma Huguet , Rafael de la Llave and Yannick Sire. Computation of whiskered invariant tori and their associated manifolds: new fast algorithms. Discrete and Continous Dynamical Systems – Series A. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. – Ser. A, 32(4): 1309 – 1353, 2012. | LINK | |
2011 | Roxin, A., Brunel, N., Hansel, D., Mongillo, G., & van Vreeswijk, C. (2011). On the distribution of firing rates in networks of cortical neurons. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(45), 16217-16226. | LINK |
Roxin, A. (2011). The role of degree distribution in shaping the dynamics in networks of sparsely connected spiking neurons. Frontiers in computational neuroscience, 5, 8. | LINK | |
Roxin, A., & Montbrió, E. (2011). How effective delays shape oscillatory dynamics in neuronal networks. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 240(3), 323-345. | LINK | |
Hyafil, A., Gutkin, B., & Giraud, A. L. (2011). A theoretical exploration of speech/neural oscillation alignment for speech parsing. In Front. Hum. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: XI International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON XI). |
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Antoni Guillamon, Chara Pantazi. Phase portraits of separable Hamiltonian systems, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 74, 4012-4035 (2011, |
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Amadeu Delshams and Gemma Huguet. The geometric mechanism of diffusion: Rigorous verification in a priori unstable Hamiltonian systems. Journal of differential equations, 250(5): 2601-2623, 2011. |
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2009 | Stimberg, M., Wimmer, K., Martin, R., Schwabe, L., Marino, J., Schummers, J., … & Obermayer, K. (2009). The operating regime of local computations in primary visual cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 19(9), 2166-2180. | LINK |
Hyafil, A., Summerfield, C., & Koechlin, E. (2009). Two mechanisms for task switching in the prefrontal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 29(16), 5135-5142. |
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Antoni Guillamon, Gemma Huguet. A computational and geometric approach to phase resetting curves and surfaces, SIAM J Appl Dyn Syst, 8, 1005-1042 (2009, |
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Antoni Guillamon, Marco Sabatini. The number of limit cycles in planar systems and generalized Abel equations with monotonous hyperbolicity, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 71, 1941-1949 (2009). doi:10.1016/ | LINK | |
2008 | Wimmer, K., Stimberg, M., Martin, R., Schwabe, L., Mariño, J., Schummers, J., … & Obermayer, K. (2008). Dependence of orientation tuning on recurrent excitation and inhibition in a network model of V1. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 21. | LINK |
Wimmer, K., Hildebrandt, K. J., Hennig, R. M., & Obermayer, K. (2008). Adaptation and selective information transmission in the cricket auditory neuron AN2. PLoS Computational Biology, 4(9), e1000182. | LINK | |
Roxin, A., Hakim, V., & Brunel, N. (2008). The statistics of repeating patterns of cortical activity can be reproduced by a model network of stochastic binary neurons. Journal of neuroscience, 28(42), 10734-10745. | LINK | |
Roxin, A., & Ledberg, A. (2008). Neurobiological models of two-choice decision making can be reduced to a one-dimensional nonlinear diffusion equation. PLoS Computational Biology, 4(3), e1000046. | LINK | |
Martini, A., Roxin, A., Snurr, R. Q., Wang, Q., & Lichter, S. (2008). Molecular mechanisms of liquid slip. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 600, 257-269. | LINK | |
Hyafil, A. (2008). Du lien entre flexibilité cognitive et motivation dans le cortex préfrontal humain (Doctoral dissertation, Paris 6). |
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2007 | Riecke, H., Roxin, A., Madruga, S., & Solla, S. A. (2007). Multiple attractors, long chaotic transients, and failure in small-world networks of excitable neurons. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 17(2), 026110. | LINK |
Schummers, J., Cronin, B., Wimmer, K., Stimberg, M., Martin, R., Obermayer, K. H., … & Sur, M. (2007). Dynamics of orientation tuning in cat V1 neurons depend on location within layers and orientation maps. Frontiers in neuroscience, 1, 11. | LINK | |
Koechlin, E., & Hyafil, A. (2007). Anterior prefrontal function and the limits of human decision-making. Science, 318(5850), 594-598. |
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Antoni Guillamon, Marco Sabatini. Geometric tools to determine the hyperbolicity of limit cycles, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 331, 986-1000 (2007). |
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Emilio Freire, Armengol Gasull, Antoni Guillamon. Limit cycles and Lie symmetries, Bull. Sciences Mathématiques, 131, 501-517 (2007). | LINK | |
2006 | Roxin, A., Brunel, N., & Hansel, D. (2006). Methods in Neuronal Modeling Methods in Neuronal Modeling, 1998. Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement, 161, 68-85. | LINK |
Antoni Guillamon, David W. Mclaughlin, John Rinzel. Estimation of synaptic conductances, Journal of Physiology (Paris), 100, 31-42 (2006). | LINK | |
Armengol Gasull, Antoni Guillamon. Limit cycles for generalized Abel equations, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 16, 3737-3745 (2006). | LINK | |
2005 | Jarsky, T., Roxin, A., Kath, W. L., & Spruston, N. (2005). Conditional dendritic spike propagation following distal synaptic activation of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. Nature neuroscience, 8(12), 1667-1676. | LINK |
Roxin, A., Brunel, N., & Hansel, D. (2005). Role of delays in shaping spatiotemporal dynamics of neuronal activity in large networks. Physical review letters, 94(23), 238103. | LINK | |
2004 | Roxin, A., Riecke, H., & Solla, S. A. (2004). Self-sustained activity in a small-world network of excitable neurons. Physical review letters, 92(19), 198101. | LINK |
Lichter, S., Roxin, A., & Mandre, S. (2004). Mechanisms for liquid slip at solid surfaces. Physical review letters, 93(8), 086001. | LINK | |
Armengol Gasull, Antoni Guillamon, Jordi Villadelprat. The period function for second-order quadratic ODEs is monotone, Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 4, 329-352 (2004). |
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Emilio Freire, Armengol Gasull, Antoni Guillamon. First derivative of the period function with applications, J. Diff. Equations 204, 139-162 (2004). | LINK | |
Emilio Freire, Armengol Gasull, Antoni Guillamon. A characterization of isochronous centres in terms of symmetries, Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 20 (205-222 (2004). | LINK | |
2002 | Roxin, A., & Riecke, H. (2002). Rotating convection in an anisotropic system. Physical Review E, 65(4), 046219. | LINK |
Emilio Freire, Armengol Gasull, Antoni Guillamon. Period function for perturbed isochronous centres, Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 3, 275-284 (2002). | LINK | |
Amadeu Delshams, Antoni Guillamon, José Tomás Lázaro. A pseudo-normal form for planar vector fields, Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 3, 51-82 (2002). | LINK | |
2001 | Roxin, A., & Riecke, H. (2001). Destabilization and localization of traveling waves by an advected field. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 156(1-2), 19-38. | LINK |
2000 | Armengol Gasull, Antoni Guillamon, Víctor Mañosa. Phase portrait of Hamiltonian systems with homogeneous nonlinearities, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 42, 679-707 (2000). |
1999 | Armengol Gasull, Antoni Guillamon, Víctor Mañosa. An analytic-numerical method for computation of the Liapunov and period constants derived from their algebraic structure, SIAM J. of Numerical Analysis, 36, no. 4, 1030-1043 (1999). | LINK |
1997 | Armengol Gasull, Antoni Guillamon, Víctor Mañosa, Francesc Mañosas. The period function for Hamiltonian systems with homogeneous nonlinearities, Journal of Differential Equations, 139, 237-260 (1997). | LINK |
Armengol Gasull, Antoni Guillamon, Víctor Mañosa. An explicit expression of the first Liapunov and period constants with applications, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 211, 190-212 (1997) | LINK | |
1996 | Ronaldo Alves Garcia, Armengol Gasull, Antoni Guillamon. Geometrical conditions for the stability of periodic orbits in planar systems, Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 120, 499-519 (1996). | LINK |
Armengol Gasull, Antoni Guillamon, Chengzhi Li, Zhifen Zhang. Study of perturbed Lotka-Volterra systems via Abelian integrals, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 198, 703-728 (1996). | LINK | |
1995 | Antoni Guillamon, Xavier Jarque, Jaume Llibre, Joaquim Ortega-Cerdà, Joan Torregrosa. Periods for transversal maps via Lefschetz numbers for periodic points, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 347, 4779-4806 (1995). | LINK |
Armengol Gasull, Antoni Guillamon. Non-existence, uniqueness of limit cycles and center problem in a system that includes predator-prey systems and generalized Liénard equations, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 3, 345-366 (1995). | LINK | |
1989 | Antoni Guillamon. Una panoràmica de la matemàtica a Catalunya durant el segle XIX, Butlletí de la Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques, 4, 47-67 (1989). | LINK |
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