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RheoDx, the CRM’s spin-off, opens its crowdfunding campaign

Nov 21, 2018



RheoDx and its patented technology is the result of the collaboration between the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica and researchers from the Universitat de Barcelona and has been promoted by the Mobile World Capital Barcelona Foundation. RheoDx is developing a portable and small-sized diagnostic device that improves efficiency in the follow-up of patients with hematological diseases. It allows the immediate and cost-effective detection of blood cell abnormalities by means of a single drop of blood wherever the patient is being treated. Aimed at a market of 80 million patients in Europe, including anemia, liquid cancers, coagulation disorders and infections such as malaria. The project’s strengths are an innovative patented technology, equipment and support from scientific and technological organizations.
You can now collaborate with the RheoDx’s crowdfunding campaign