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Launched the Call “Lluís Santaló” Visiting position

Jun 23, 2014

Lluís Santaló (Girona 1911, Buenos Aires 2001) carried out his most remarkable mathematical research in the field of Integral Geometry, an area of which he was a founder and one of the main contributors. He was a student Wilhelm Blaschke in Hamburg. He then served in the republican army during the Spanish civil war and emigrated to Argentina in 1939.
After ten years in Rosario he established himself in Buenos Aires, where he helped the development of mathematical research and became a reference for a whole generation of Argentina mathematicians. He was also very committed to mathematical education and the propagation of mathematics in society.
The Lluis Santaló visiting position is sponsored by the Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC)
Deadline for submission of proposals is July 15, 2014.