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The Centre for Mathematical Research (CRM) is excited to welcome new members: Frank Trujillo and Marc Calvo as Postdoctoral Researchers, and Fernando Gastón and Marcel Morillas as Research Technicians in the Knowledge Transfer Unit. Their diverse expertise, ranging from dynamical systems and climate change to data science and photonics, promises to enrich CRM’s research and knowledge transfer efforts significantly.
We are pleased to introduce the newest members who have recently joined the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM). They join the Dynamical Systems and Industrial Mathematics research groups, and the Knowledge Transfer Unit (KTU). Each of them brings a unique set of experiences and knowledge that will undoubtedly enrich our community.

Frank Trujillo joins us as a Postdoctoral Researcher under the supervision of Marcel Guardia. Frank earned his Ph.D. in Mathematics at Université Paris Cité in France in 2020, after completing his M.Sc. at IMPA in Brazil and his B.Sc. at the National University of Colombia. Before joining the CRM, Frank worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Zurich. His research primarily focuses on Dynamical Systems.

Marc Calvo, also a Postdoctoral Researcher, returns to CRM under the guidance of Tim Myers. Marc completed his Ph.D. at CRM in 2019, working on non-classical heat transfer mechanisms in situations involving short length and/or time scales. After his Ph.D., Marc worked in consulting for an IT company, before moving to the UAE to start a position as an Assistant Professor in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. During the three years he spent there, he focused on climate change-related topics, concentrating mostly on heat and mass transfer. He is now starting a postdoctoral position in the Industrial Mathematics group led by Tim Myers, mainly working on the description of adsorption processes.

Fernando Gastón joins the Knowledge Transfer Unit (KTU) at CRM as a Research Technician, under the supervision of David Romero. Fernando graduated with a bachelor’s degree in data science and engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) in 2022, where he developed a keen interest in image processing and computer vision. He then pursued a master’s in mathematics at UPC (MAMME), where he developed an interest in dynamical systems and mathematical modelling in general.

Lastly, Marcel Morillas is the other new member of the KTU. Marcel graduated in Physics (BSc) at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), then studied an M.Sc. Degree in Photonics at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), undertook an internship at the Institut für Physik at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, and finally moved to the Knowledge Transfer Unit at the CRM.

We welcome them all!

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Pau Varela & Mariona Fucho


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