2016 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory
July 10th -15th, 2016
The 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory will be held in Barcelona from July 10 through July 15, 2016. Barcelona is the most popular tourist destination in Spain, a lively city lapped by the Mediterranean and well known for its surreal modernist architecture.

January 10, 2017
No fee.
Registering required.
Registering required.
CRM Bellaterra. Room A1
Organizing Committee
TPC Co-Chairs
Venkat Anantharam
Ioannis Kontoyiannis
Yossef Steinberg
Pascal Vontobel
Venkat Anantharam
Ioannis Kontoyiannis
Yossef Steinberg
Pascal Vontobel
General Co-Chairs
Albert Guillén i Fàbregas
Alfonso Martinez
Sergio Verdú
Contributions have been solicited in the following areas
- Big Data Analytics
- Coding for Communication and Storage
- Coding Theory
- Communication Theory
- Complexity and Computation Theory
- Compressed Sensing and Sparsity
- Cryptography and Security
- Detection and Estimation
- Information Theory and Statistics
- Information Theory in Biology
- Network Coding and Applications
- Network Information Theory
- Pattern Recognition and Learning
- Physical Layer Security
- Quantum Information and Coding Theory
- Sequences
- Shannon Theory
- Signal Processing
- Source Coding and Data Compression
- Wireless Communication and Networks