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Calls for Conferences & Workshops

The CRM welcomes proposals to host conferences and workshops. Conferences are thought to assemble from 50 and 100 participants. Typically a conference runs from Monday morning through Friday afternoon, with a break on Wednesday afternoon.

CRM offers organization and its facilities at a low cost. Depending on the resources available, the format of the event (including the registration fees) will be agreed between CRM and the proposers. CRM and the proposers may jointly apply for competitive funding. A scientific committee nominated by the proposers will be responsible for the selection of speakers and the design of the event programme.

The Centre de Recerca Matemàtica is committed to gender equality, and in particular increasing the representation of women in the research projects and programs it hosts and organizes. Our main aim is to ensure that an environment that supports social justice and inclusivity is fostered at centre. By working together with our lead researchers and making an active commitment towards achieving gender equality, the CRM will be better equipped to meet the challenges ahead.

The call is addressed to individual researchers or teams working in any area of mathematics or in disciplines that involve high-level mathematics. Application should be submitted at least 12 months prior to the proposed starting date of the event. They will be reviewed by the CRM Scientific Advisory Board, and decisions will be made at most 3 months after submission. Event proposers are welcome to contact  ( to any enquire regarding the proposal preparation.