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Open Science 2023: From Policy to Practice

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February 08, 2023

📍 CRM Auditorium

Registration deadline 06 / 02 / 2023


The CRM will host the workshop Open Science: From Policy to Practice on 8th February 2023. The workshop will be hosted as a face-to-face event mainly aimed at CRM faculty, and it will be mandatory as a training session for the PhD students and postdoctoral fellows.

Open science encompasses a series of practices that aim at making the cycle of scientific knowledge production and dissemination more transparent, collaborative and accessible to society.  It includes open access, FAIR data, transparent metrics and evaluation, and citizen science.

The reform on the Spanish Science Law, Horizon Europe and the Catalan Science Law has defined a new environment in 2022, boosting open science. Upskilled profiles are needed to accompany the research staff in this changing scenario, as well as an adaptation of processes and infrastructures. There is a growing demand for training and updating of research and support staff to which this workshop aims to respond.

The workshop will present CRM Open Science policy and support as well as provide practical training to adapt to such changes, in the context of mathematically-oriented research and the infrastructures in the Catalan science and innovation system.

Two sessions by the co-leaders of the Working Group of Open Science of Severo Ochoa and Maria de Maeztu Network (SOMMA) will guide us in the topic. An online seminar by the the Spanish Agency for the Evaluation of Quality of Research (ANECA) will be scheduled to complement training on this topic.

NOTE: The two sessions by the SOMMA Working Group will be hybrid. Please register and the Zoom link will be forwarded to you if interested.


Miguel A. Benítez

Miguel A. Benítez

Basque Center for Applied Mathematics | BCAM

Mathematician (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) with more than 10 years experience in international research projects management. As Program Manager in BCAM, I am the responsible of the funding at the European Commission, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and Basque Government. This implies searching for research funding; consultancy and assistance in the projects requests; scientific, economic and technical management of the research projects and the economic justification and participation in the development of the scientific reports. I also lead the administrative management of the BCAM International Call and Visiting Fellow programs.




Núria Benítez

Núria Benítez

Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia | ICN2

Member of the Institutional Strategy Development team at the Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia ICN2, with a Master’s degree on International and Knowledge Strategic Management.




February 8th, 2023



Welcome Open Science at CRM in 2023

Lluís Alsedà

CRM Director



Open Access: Compliance and practice for mathematicians

Miguel A. Benítez

Project Manager at BCAM






Open Science practice: infrastructures and reality. CERCA/UAB Campus

Núria Benítez

Institutional Strategy Development at ICN2